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HearProf 18

This is my first deck built that utilizes Elrond and Vilya. As most Vilya decks go, getting Vilya into play within the first two or three rounds is important. Mulligan for Vilya, if you don't get it, Master of the Forge can help. However, I have found that you can survive for a while if you continue to miss on Vilya. This is simply because the heroes are quite powerful.

Once Vilya is in play, resources from Glorfindel and Grimbeorn the Old are primarily used for their abilities. The deck is pretty straight forward to play. Gildor Inglorion is great for manipulating the cards in your deck vs. hand - I'll use him to put Tactics cards from my hand back into the deck and then use Elrond + Vilya to put them into play. This allows you to use Grimbeorn's resources to trigger his action. Grimbeorn with all his attachments is quite awesome.

The access to healing from Glorfindel, Imladris Caregiver and Lembas allows you to take a number of undefended attacks, when necessary. The built-in readying afforded by Lembas is also useful.

There are numerous hero-readying effects to make maximum use of the powerful heroes. There is a bit redundancy here with Leather Boots and Light of Valinor. Henamarth Riversong is especially useful if you get Leather Boots out (typically I put these on Elrond and Light of Valinor on Glorfindel). Once Unexpected Courage is available, Elrond tends to get priority, followed by Grimbeorn.

Starting threat is high and necessitates inclusion of Elrond's Counsel and The Galadhrim's Greeting. Woodmen's Clearing would also be a useful inclusion.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any suggestions! I've tried to keep it primarily a Noldor deck.