Khazad-Dum - 2 handed - Deck 1

Questlogs using this decklist
The Watcher in the Water - 2 Players - 2020-04-29
The Watcher in the Water - 2 Players - 2020-04-30
The Watcher in the Water - 2 Players - 2020-04-30
Shadow and Flame - 2 Players - 2020-04-30
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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DanTheOkay 86

This is for a two-handed or two-player playthrough of the Khazad-Dum expansion. I have had great success with these decks and thought I would share! I am by no means an expert and these will be my first published decks. Apologies for any mistakes.

All you need is 1 Core, KD, Shadow and Flame, and Watcher in the Water.

Into the Pit:

Of the three Khazad-Dum scenarios, this is the one that proved most difficult to beat consistently.

Quest hard out the gate. Focus on clearing locations.

Leave Denethor ready to defend or use his ability in cohesion with the cave torch until Henamarth Riversong comes into play.

Aragorn is your offense and quester hybrid. Steward of Gondor goes on him. If he gets Celebrían's Stone & Sword that was Broken.. this quest is a breeze.

Elrond with Vilya is very handy in 3B when you are no longer collecting resources.

Save Miner of the Iron Hills until Watchful Eyes makes an appearance.

There are many Dwarf allies in this deck to be utilized fully with Ancestral Knowledge

Seventh Level:

Do not linger. Focus on clearing the staging area and questing hard.

Similar strategy as above, this deck is for reliable questing & defense. Chump blocking (especially with Elrond bringing Gondorian Spearman in), Aragorn utilizing his card ability, and Denethor will help to keep the enemies out of the staging area and occupied while you push questing.

Use Denethor resources to effectively and timely play Secret Paths and Radagast's Cunning for that extra threat clearing.

Flight from Moria:

Same strategy as above. Keep your allies healthy and abundant as there are some nasty treacheries and shadow effects that can sneak up on you. Utilize Denethor card ability if he is not needed to defend to constantly check the top of the encounter deck to get rid of the nasty enemies and treacheries as much as possible.

I'll add more notes here and there as I rack up my play testings.

Deck 2 here: