It's Nenya Business What Imrahil's Doing Here

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emorlecallor 1276

One of the heroes that has the most synergy with the Silvan archetype is Prince Imrahil. With all of the bouncing in and out of play that they do, he is an ideal candidate for a spot in a Silvan deck. However, most Silvan builds also use Celeborn and Galadriel to give the allies action advantage and stat boosts the round they enter play. Using those three heroes however means that there is no hero in the deck, and many of the key Silvan cards like The Tree People and many Silvan allies are in that sphere, so you need a Lore hero at which point most people stop trying to fit in Imrahil and use a typical Silvan build with Haldir of Lórien as their third hero.

Enter Nenya. Once Galadriel gets her ring, not only can she contribute her to the quest each round, but she also gains the icon, meaning you can still use her and Celeborn and Imrahil while at the same time being able to use all the Lore cards relating to Silvans.

Imrahil also solves an issue with many Silvan decks- a lack of defense. Sure, there's the Defender of the Naith, but he/she/it only has 3 for one round, and a rather small pool of 2 hit points. Imrahil can not only quest AND defend almost every round, but he also has 4 hit points. His 2 won't block most enemies, but he'll live, and he can become more potent with a copy or two of Dúnedain Warning.

Other than the injection of awesomeness that is Prince Imrahil, the deck runs just like any other Silvan deck, with one exception: Don't mulligan for O Lórien!. Don't get me wrong, it's a great card, but Nenya is essential to the way the deck runs and should be the target of your mulligan.

If you're having trouble finding Nenya, you can sub in the copies of Master of the Forge from the sideboard in favor of Galadhrim Healer. It should probably be in the main deck, but I like finding Nenya with Galadriel's ability, because it just seems so thematic. I also have a sentimental attachment to the Healers because they're (somewhat) new and shiny, so they are also somewhat of a personal include as well as a strategic one.

Enjoy the deck!


Nov 06, 2017 The Purple Wizard 1195

If you haven't found Nenya yet, how do you pay for Master of the Forge?