The Captain-Wanderer

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Alonewolf87 2212

A thematic deck featuring Boromir as the leader of Gondor forces. Heir of Mardil is your starting attachment and it often times allows you to get all three benefits of the contracts instead of only two, but it can also be used to offset the cost of Captain's Wisdom. And yeah I know that Strider would probably still be a better choice especially for the early game.

I find that ally Denethor is a surprisingly solid card in The Grey Wanderer decks and i'ts really thematic here.

The Knight of Belfalas can be used to fish back from the discard pile the allies we ended up discarding with A Very Good Tale.


Mar 05, 2022 philium 11

`@Alonewolf87' great deck! I think you have a very underrated concept here. Definitely plan on taking this deck for a spin this weekend.