Riders in the Lost Realm

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Uruk-guy 535

For whatever reason the Weathered Hills put me in a big bind for my thematic Rohan playthrough. I built this one specifically for the quest. Low starting threat was huge. I splashed Leadership Eomer specifically for Dúnedain Remedy and a Rohirrim swarm with Steward of Gondor. Ironically, I never drew a Dunedain Remedy. Not during my testing of the deck and never during the actual quest. I beat it anyways though.

Éomer ended up being a real MVP. There are a few enemies which linger in the staging area until your threat raises or by a card effect. Because of Firefoot in my opening hand and Gúthwinë halfway throughout the game I was able to snipe enemies starting round two. When playing this deck in the future I'll be wanting to see Firefoot in my opening hand as Eowyn's resources are hardly ever spent in large quantities outside of Song of Hope and Muster of Rohan.

Éowyn and Lothíriel are superb questers and can get you through the locations every other round. Eowyn gets Golden shield and Snowmane. Lotheriel gets Windfola (which is a great card for this quest) and Horn of the Mark. This team got me through the last stage in two rounds along with the plethora of allies via Muster of Rohan for one round.

It's all swarming and stalling from there. The Muster of Rohan was a real clutch card as was my lone copy of Astonishing Speed. I never got to use Thorongil though I never actually wished I would have drawn it when all was said and done. I'll add another Dunedain remedy in the future. Who knows, may I'll even draw one next time.