Lucky Number Fellowship (We Must Away, Thorin, Bombur, Ori)

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RayTheEel 8

My attempt at a fellowship that uses all 13 Dwarves from The Hobbit and no other allies but Gandalf and Beorn. I also restricted myself from using non-thematic attachments, in particular, anything to do with Gondor or Lorien.

I managed a success on my frist playthrough (with this specific build) against We Must Away Ere, Break of Day, with the Troll Cave in the victory display! 49 threat for each player thanks to having to stall a couple turns to explore the Troll Cave and a last card Doomed 2!

Without The Galadhrim's Greeting, threat needs to be managed with Song of Eärendil, Renewed Friendshipand Gandalf. First, you want to keep threat relatively equal between the two decks, so you get a turn or two at Stage 2B before having to engage William. Then, you need to keep the Leadship-Lore deck's threat low so they can continually engage the unique Trolls.

Try to keep Bilbo's resources not the highest (or tied with highest) so that you can put someone else in A Worn Sack.

Not at all ideal without a Tactics hero (or Song of Battle), but you should have time to get a Narvi's Belt, especially if you put King Under the Mountain on the Spirit-Leadship deck.

In one play through with two Dwarrowdelf Axe, two Durin's Song, a Khazâd! Khazâd! and a Cram, Thorin Oakenshield was able to single-handedly, and in a single turn, destroy both Bert and Tom (who fortunately had the Troll Key and Troll Purse) while Feint-ing Williams. I then let a couple of allies take the fall as I stalled to get the Troll Cave in active and then exploring it.

A A Test of Will is crucial to save your attachments!