ally swarm

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

weppnesp 12

this deck when you look at it does not look like much at first but with the synergy between the heroes is extremely good. with lothreil you can get a free ally each turn if that ally hama,ridermark knight, or westfold outrider and when that ally leaves play thengel is activated giving you yet another free ally and thanks to eomer lothriel gains the rohan trait and with every ally in this deck (except gandalf) being rohan you can get a free ally on some turns getting 2 free allies each round getting you enough willpower attack and chumps to survive the game


Sep 04, 2021 ahez20 113

Sorry to burst your bubble but sadly Thengel’s ability does not trigger off of Lothíriel’s ability because you shuffle the card back into your deck instead of discarding it.

Sep 04, 2021 ahez20 113

However, if the ally you put in play with Lothíriel is Escort from Edoras then you could be able to discard him before having to shuffle him back into your deck since both of the abilities are responses. That would be able to trigger Thengel’s ability giving you two allies for that turn. I would recommend getting rid of one Gandalf, one Firefoot, and one Steed of the Mark to add three Escort from Edoras.

Sep 04, 2021 Alonewolf87 1922

Another possible good option is Westfold Lancer, so you can use its decent WP and then having hopefully quested successfully discard it to its own effect, damage an enemy and trigger Thengel

Sep 04, 2021 kjeld 641

Any deck with 3 Rohan heroes and should run 3x Need Brooks No Delay. Also, Golden Shield would be good for Thengel if he's got Unexpected Courage. Did you consider trying to slot in Gúthwinë for ally cycling? Though Stand and Fight might be easier to pull off.