A Beary Good Meal

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

James 86

This deck is an attempt to find a repeatable use for Prince Imrahil which doesn't involve Caldara.

Beorn does what he does best, becoming a big damage soak in the early game to let you set yourself up and smack around any enemies who get too close to his paws. When he does eventually get killed you should have been able to use his resources up on the smattering of Tactics and Neutral cards, and managed to get the Prince of Dol Amroth into play. Song of Battle and Last Stand are there to make the most of his demise.

This then turns into a mono-Spirit deck with the option to use Good Meal + Fortune or Fate to revive the big bear at just the opportune moment.

Presumably he is tempted back with some tasty honey cakes, and who can blame him?

Good opening hands include Treebeard (playable on turn 1), Elven-light or Imladris Stargazer to let you draw the important cards earlier, or some cheap willpower such as Ethir Swordsman or Galadriel's Handmaiden.


Sep 13, 2016 Gerrymander 142

Is Last Stand usable with Beorn? I assumed no at first, since he's immune to player card effects, but by that point he would be discarded and out of play, so maybe he would qualify!

Sep 13, 2016 James 86

I'm pretty sure it is. I think you're correct in that he's already out of play by the time you trigger Last Stand. Even if he's not, it doesn't affect him in any way so I don't think it would fall foul of Beorn's immunity.

Sep 13, 2016 Gerrymander 142

This is true. Fortune or Fate triggers when he's in the discard pile too, so of course it would work. Beorn is getting more interesting!