Bond of Friendship Hobbits Wrecking Nazgul

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wappowers 7

We all know that Bond of Friendship decks can be very powerful, but this one mowed down the first two quests in the Black Riders box (taking it against the third soon).

The key is getting Fatty setup as a good defender. Ideally with Rosie out and the Staff of Lebethron and something to raise his defense. Then he can defend for 5-6 without fear of shadows. Merry is attacking for 5 on turn one, so attack is in pretty good shape at the start.

With Pippin and Frodo's Intuition you can be drawing insane numbers of cards, and with five heroes paying for them is generally easy enough. This is one reason for Wilyador, it is so easy to pay to keep him in if he is proving useful.

The main issue I have seen is keeping the threat low, since starting at 27 is not really enough to be safe all the time. I tend to mulligan for Shirefolk, unless I have great stuff to get Fatty set up in my opening hand. But Shirefolk and Gandalf has generally kept my threat in ok shape. It would also not be the best against a swarm of enemies, since there are not many good defenders.

This is mostly my first pass and there are a few cards I am not sure are the best option. Silver Circlet is great value, but can only go on Fatty, and sometimes I want his restricted slots for defense cards. Warrior sword works as a second option for Merry, but it is almost always a straight plus one.

Still tuning the deck, but would appreciate any thoughts.