Bring Beorn Back!

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Gerrymander 142

Here's my take on a Beorn deck.

The key cards are Prince Imrahil, Sword-thain, Fortune or Fate(obviously) and Landroval (brought into play with the help of A Good Harvest). When Beorn gets inevitably knocked out, Imrahil starts generating resources to help pay for Fortune or Fate. Horn of Gondor triggers when Beorn is killed, effectively reducing the cost of using FoF by 1. Sword-Thain helps generate more resources when used on Bofur or Legolas, which is essential for generating Tactics resources when Beorn is briefly gone.

The remainder of the deck is really interchangeable. I went with the typical Glorfindel/Noldor kind of archetype with Eowyn for extra questing boost, but those two heroes, along with most of the deck, could be substituted with just about any two Spirit heroes. This may depend on the specific quest, but as long as the key cards (Imrahil, FoF) are present, any should do.