AtS Father-Son Entrapment

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
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truckiecookies 9

My attempt at a trap list, after a little bit of fine-turing.

It's designed for solo play, so I left out Ithilien Pit. Your goal is to get an enemy or two trapped in Ranger Spikes early on, so you can leave them in the staging area, giving Faramir a near-permanent boost. Denethor with A Burning Brand and Protector of Lórien is a great defender, but if you can get Haldir out, he can usually defend against what avoids your traps, while Denethor (with the assistance of his buddy Henamarth Riversong) can scry the encounter deck.

Anborn helps you recycle traps and gives you some strong attack power to finish things off, when Poisoned Stakes or Forest Patrol isn't doing the job for you. Meanwhile, aided by your scrying, Mirlonde (riding Asfaloth if necessary) takes care of questing, aided by Protector of Lórien and if possible an Ithilien Tracker. The heavy reliance on discard to Protector can be overcome with regular Mithrandir's Advice, and with Scroll of Isildur you can get more than three uses of the card. Scroll of Isildur is also great with Advance Warning, since you can struggle to defend and kill a lot of enemies at once.

This deck originally used Ranger Bows to work to kill enemies in the staging area before even engaging (and the Ithilien Archer could even get them back there), but the deck was struggling to quest solo, so I replaced them with Asfaloth.


Dec 29, 2016 BenoitPoulin 9

Wow, on paper does look great. Does it works against difficult quest solo (Escape from Dol Guldur / Return to Mirkwood)? Appears to be fun...

Dec 29, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

Looks like a very fun deck to play! Have you considered Entangling Nets, Guardian of Ithilien, or Ranger Spear? In my mono Lore trap deck I found all 3 cards to be very useful, and if there's anything in your deck you end up finding not that useful, I'd consider 3x any or all of these cards.

Dec 29, 2016 truckiecookies 9

@BenoitPoulin The core mechanic of the deck takes up so much space there isn't much space to put in threat reduction (and with my card pool, that's just a choice between Gandalf and Needful to Know). With a quest like Return to Mirkwood that kills you with threat as a solo player, there's not much to do. I tried it for fun, and threated out in the middle of stage 2 (Gollum's Anguish, which increases your threat by 8, didn't help). Basically, Denethor and Henamarth Riversong give you a big leg up against the encounter deck solo, but then the deck has no good response to treacheries or threat increases, and limited response to locations - just Asfaloth and the ability to predict exactly how much you need to quest.

Dec 29, 2016 truckiecookies 9

@D4rkWolf10 My collection only extends through Against the Shadow so far, but when I get there, I look forward to adding those cards to the deck - they look like great additions!