Just Another Deck I Brought

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QotW: Traveling a River with the Kitchen Sink
Derived from
A Sneaky Timely Tale 27 18 4 1.0
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Some Sort 3769

This is just another deck I brought to the Quest of the Week. Other than the three copies of Shadow of the Past, there's nothing special about it. It's just a deck that I had lying around that had low starting threat, was strong enough to carry the fellowship for the first dozen rounds of the quest, and had a little bit of treachery cancellation and healing. This deck is not important. This deck could be virtually anything.

For the deck that matters, I made myself one with everything.


Jun 11, 2024 doomguard 2101

would replace Shadow of the Past with Resourceful

would include Gildor Inglorion then you can put an ally (e.g. Beorn) from your hand in your deck before using Timely Aid

consider Will of the West if you play all A Very Good Tale and drawcards, your deck is empty before round 6.

Jun 11, 2024 Some Sort 3769

The Shadow of the Past of the past was tech for the specific quest-- you can softlock Journey Along the Anduin if you strip all of the cards out of the encounter deck except for the Eastern Crows, Shadow of the Past protects against them getting discarded as shadow effects before you get there. The linked deck contains the full details.

I ran Gildor in this deck for a long time, but the reality is there are so many high-impact allies that using him to stack the deck for Timely Aid often wastes a valuable ally action for marginal to no gain, since there is usually something just as good already there. (Plus that would require pulling him with the first or second Timely Aid, which is a low-percentage chance.)

The deck does tend to empty, but Will of the West isn't necessary-- by the time I get there all that's left in the discard is a handful of draw events and a couple allies. The difference between getting 19 allies out in one trip through the deck vs. 25 allies in two trips through the deck is very much a "win more" difference. But the difference in hit rate on your Timely Aids and Very Good Tales from including more events is significant.

Jun 11, 2024 doomguard 2101

@ Will of the West there might be szenarios where it needs a longer breath, specially nightmare. @ Gildor Inglorion

  1. i would rate him as valuable ally even not using his ability. quest for 3 or defend with 3 and 3 hp is not bad at all.
    1. i would not only try to target him with Timely Aid, if having him in hand and Steward of Gondor i would put steward on (MotK) Gléowine and play him next round ((MotK) Gléowine is gondor then and you can use Denethor 2. ability)

but non-nightmare and until angmar, it might be a winmore.

Jun 11, 2024 Some Sort 3769

If a quest punishes you for emptying your deck, you can certainly add some Wills of the West as specific tech to protect against that, though such quests are fairly rare and the rest of the time the hit to your ally consistency will be noticeable.

Steward should almost always go on Denethor because the deck's early-game power is heavily dependent on dropping as many Timely Aids and Sneak Attack + Gandalfs as you can muster. Dropping Steward on Gleowine limits you to at most one Timely Aid or Sneak Attack the first round and one each round after. Once The Storm Comes is cleared (which usually doesn't take too long), it doesn't matter where the resources happen to be.

Gildor is good, but he's outcompeted. Vigilant Dunadan, Treebeard, and Jubayr are much better defenders, as are characters like Boromir, Giant Bear, or Deorwine (who all missed the cut), and Denethor is Gildor's equal. 3 WP is strong, but the Celduin Travelers get you 2 for 1 resource, and allies like Thalion, Glorfindel, and Treebeard let you use their WP and still attack or defend. (As does Gimli, who missed the cut, and Hobbit Gandalf, who is usually in but was swapped out for the extra copies of Core Gandalf for this specific challenge.) And with the Wild Stallions, any ally that can double-dip on its stat boost will be especially valuable. (Well, except for Treebeard.)

Gildor's ability is good, but it costs you his action for the round, while characters like Erestor or Galdor (who both missed the cut) have strong stats and a generally more-useful ability that doesn't burn up their action.

I've been playing some variant of this deck for nearly a decade now and Gildor was originally included (multiple copies, even!), but he fell out after I added The Storm Comes and moved from just Leadership/Lore to quad sphere. There are just too many other good allies in the game now.

When he was in the deck, I found that I virtually never grabbed him with my Timely Aids or Very Good Tales and he nearly always sat in my hand while I played down all my other allies first. He looks really good on paper, but this deck wants to go fast, fast, fast and he winds up slowing down your tempo, instead. But you're welcome to include him and see if your experiences wind up being different than mine!

Jun 12, 2024 doomguard 2101

if you put steward on the steward your points are all understandable. i would think you can go both ways (but would perhaps alter a few other cards with steward on (MotK) Gléowine and you can much more healing) but i have no experience wich version would be better.