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frozen 174

This is my own slightly tweaked version of the tried-and-true Caldara + Lothiriel deck. It could definitely be optimized more but it's handled a good portion of the Harad Cycle, Three Trials, and Escape from Dol Guldur with ~50% winrate.

The general goal of this kind of deck is to get Prince Imrahil in hand with a big enough discard pile. When you're ready to ditch Caldara, Lothíriel's ability lets you get Imrahil into play for free, and he will stay in play since he turns into a hero and Lothiriel's ability, which refers to an ally, can no longer target him. And since he is a hero, we get to pull 3 allies back with Caldara's ability immediately. This action nets you ~17 free resources in the best case.

Obviously the ideal targets for these shenanigans are Jubayr and Glorfindel. But the deck should handle itself pretty well if you can only get one of the two, there are other decent allies to get in return like Pelargir Shipwright or Rhovanion Outrider.

In your opening hand, I look for Emery primarily because she can get the discard going in a hurry, Light of Valinor for Cirdan to get the willpower going, or a cheap ally like Arwen Undómiel. Glorfindel is noble so he can be played with Lothiriel in a willpower pinch early on if he ends up in hand and you can't afford him.

Once you've got your big allies in play, a Wild Stallion on Jubayr, and Narya on Cirdan, it's pretty much game over.

Deck Weaknesses:

  • No healing - there's a decent amount of hit points and discardable allies in this deck, but no dedicated healing. If it starts to pile up on your heroes or Jubayr, watch out.
  • Poor card draw - there's 3X Elven Light but the only way to discard them is by Cirdan or eventually when Glorfindel gets into play. Lothiriel definitely struggles for targets here.
  • Threat Mitigation - Damrod does a bit of reduction but it's not nearly enough for certain quests, at least he is free with Lothiriel. Elrond's Counsel is an obvious choice but I've used all my copies elsewhere so I challenged myself to try other options.