This deck is designed to take advantage of Doughty Ranger. Along with Eleanor and Wingfoot, this three card combo can shut off treacheries coming off the encounter deck during questing. When Eleanor has both Doughty Ranger and Wingfoot attached, she can quest naming 'treachery' for Wingfoot, any treacheries revealed will trigger the response of Wingfoot, causing Eleanor to ready, where she can then respond to cancel the 'when revealed' effect. Any further revealed treacheries can be canceled in this way.
The rest of the deck is built to get that combo going on the first turn.
In addition to the Eleanor combo, there is also the classic Elrond + Vilya + Imladris Stargazer combo that can be set up as well. Digging for Northern Tracker is likely best, since there will be more locations coming off the encounter deck during questing. Unexpected Courage should definitely go on Elrond, especially if you can get A Burning Brand attached to him, otherwise share it with others.
This deck is about questing and support, although it can turn into a decent defensive deck once it gets going. I'm still thinking about a deck to pair with it, likely something with ranged, possibly a deck heavy on traps to control the influx of enemies coming off the encounter deck.
This is a very nice deck, I am working on a Loragorn, Eleanor, L. Denethor deck that uses D.Ranger/Wingfoot combo.