Bond of Gondor (MD - Gondor Alternative)

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Mormegil 6432

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 1-4



Another take on the Gondor archetype. This deck however is not just about the ally swarm but features the Bond of Friendship contract for an additional hero and sphere, which means having more available options to counter whatever the quest throws at you. That makes it less explosive but more sustainable and flexible, you will probably have an overall lower win-rate compared to the solo deck, however have a chance against a higher number of quests.

How To Play

There is no specific card to mulligan for, especially with the continuous option off drawing through Beravor. I usually decide depending on the quest - if I need quick willpower, I look for something like Visionary Leadership, if early enemy pressure is an issue Gandalf can help out and Steward of Gondor is of course a great card no matter what.


In high player counts, Damrod can really do work, especially since threat can be a concern early on. Déorwine is a great card that could always slot right in, alongside something like Ranger of Cardolan. A Very Good Tale just missed out on the cut due to competition (and since you have quite a few characters in play early on anyways thanks to the contract), Peace, and Thought is not bad but usually overkill with Beravor around.
