Alliance of Noldor and Harad

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victarion_seaworth 15

This may seem like a strange alliance at first, but the Haradrim and the Noldor work together surprisingly well. The ability of Kahliel is a very nice discard as the Noldor usually have it. And it makes duplicates of unique characters more reasonable to include.

General Strategy: Use The Last Alliance on Kahliel normally, so you can not only buy Noldor too, but also use the readying ability more versatile. Try to get your Silver Harps as soon as possible, as they literally equal draw with Erestor and CĂ­rdan the Shipwright.

What you want in your starting hand: your econ cards: Steward of Gondor, Southron Refugee and To the sea, to the Sea! and some other allies, preferably Jubayr to get the defense going. But the most welcome is Light of Valinor for Cirdan.

Most important allies: Galdor of the Havens for extra draw, Jubayr for defense, Master of the Forge to find the attachments.

Key attachments: Narya to ready your big allies, Light of Valinor to get more out of Cirdan's OP stats, Silver Harp as it's effectively extra draw and Emissary of the East to get some extra progress for using refugees and Kahliel's Tribesmen. Where to put the attachments should be trivial.

The best events to have: obviously Elven-light for Arwen and Sneak Attack for the big guys.

Best The Last Alliance targets: Kahliel, her Headdress when questing gets hard, Kahliel's Tribesman and To the sea, to the Sea! can also be useful in emergencies.