LotR Campaign - Solo - Black Raiders

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Frodrig 10

I've success the Black Riders box with this deck.

For the second mission, A Knife in the Dark, I introduced another copy of The Galadhrim's Greeting to reduce the thread after finish with Bill Helechal.

I played the missions using a lot of cards from my hands. Frodo's Intuition was very important to draw more (four more cards!). In fact, I've used Gandalf also to draw more cards as first option. With Protector of Lórien I discarded the unused ones.

The main strategy was to go ahead with Frodo Baggins, Pippin and Sam Gamgee to the missions. Always trying to do optional engagement with enemies with threat higher than mine to draw more cards thanks to Pippin and ready Sam Gamgee. I used the card Fast Hitch to prepare the heroes (this is a very important card). For Sam Gamgee I used to put Protector of Lórien and Hobbit Cloak to protect against attacks. Finally, for Merry, I choose Dagger of Westernesse to destroy enemies!

Allies were important. The Eagles made a great support as Bill the Pony and Barliman Butterbur. If you have the luck of get Beorn, try to wait until Elf-stone card to put the card in the table for free. Also, if Henamarth Riversong appear you will have advantage checking what is coming from the encounter deck.
