No - Ally - Deck

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Mormegil 3339

Hi guys, here is a deck WITHOUT any allys. I have not seen anybody do this before so I just wanted to take a shot. I have not tried it yet, it was just a goofy idea that sprang into my head.



Apr 09, 2016 Lecitadin 193

Seems cool! Just have a test of will and a Burning brand ready of you get an encounter card that makes you discard all your attachements!

Apr 09, 2016 widowmaker 186

Elrond seems something of a waste? No allies and minimal healing... You might get more mileage out of Aragorn or Bifur.

Also have you though about running Self Preservation dropping one of each of Light of Valinor, Asfaloth and A Burning Brand/Gandalf's Staff?

Also, because Gandalf has phat hax and can play stuff from the top of your deck, you might find it worth putting in a Rivendell Blade or two and a Gondorian Shield to assist in combat without it costing you "cards" in Protector of Lórien

Just my two bob...

Apr 10, 2016 Mormegil 3339

@LecitadinYes, very true. Wind-Whipped Rain would destroy that deck.

Apr 10, 2016 Mormegil 3339

@widowmaker First of all, thanks for your suggestions.

I put Elrond in there as my "main defender". A good replacement for him would maybe even be Denethor. In that case, I would take out the Protectors and put in the Gondorian Shields. My reasoning for Protector was essentially that you will have a lot of unique duplicates in your hand that you can throw away easily.

I also thought about including Rivendell Blade etc. but with all the readying and Flame of Arnor and Fair and Perilous I felt confident without the Blade.

Concerning healing, that is what Lembas is all about. It is your "emergency" card for damage control. But I also agree with you, in a quest with constant damage risk (lots of archery etc.) I would include Self Preservation over Lembas. That is a very good idea for the Sideboard, thanks a lot.

Thank you again for your feedback, Jake