The Magic of Lorien

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Roka 1659

One of the biggest weaknesses of a Silvan deck is defense. Not a single non-objective Silvan character has 3 or more defense. From a thematical point of view this makes sense. Lorien was not defended by great warriors like Erkenbrand in Rohan or Beregond in Gondor. It was the magical power of Lorien that protected them.

Fortunately, we have a representation of this elven-magic in the game in the form of Rossiel. She doesn't start at high defense but can be buffed up to high defense levels with her ability that you can trigger with Out of the Wild or Scout Ahead, Cloak of Lórien, Dúnedain Warning and Protector of Lórien, is a natural target for A Burning Brand and can be repeatable healed by Silvan Trackers. For the really big enemies you still have Feigned Voices or the possibilty to chump with a silvan ally.

Questing and attacking is handled by Celeborn and the boosted Silvan allies that drop in and out of play. Galadriel is the perfect support hero, helping not just with card draw and threat reduction but also helps to play the expensive lore cards if she has Nenya.

This deck showed me that Rossiel is also a great splashable hero. You don't have to go the full victory display route but can also focus on one aspect of her abilty. With that she becomes a more viable solo option, because you have enough deck space left to cover other aspects of the game. This is still not the perfect solo deck, but against a quest were the enemies share a trait you have a good chance.


May 11, 2018 Mad Morderan 135

Nice deck, Roka! I love the theme. Looks really interesting and fun to play. You figured out something I've been struggling to handle with Silvan characters...defense. Very nicely done. I never would have thought to include Rossiel without all her victory display cards.

May 13, 2018 Bullroarer Took 89

Really like this build. Without playing it my only comment is that Out of the Wild is really expensive here and you might be better off exchanging it with None Return since you are really just trying to boost Rossiel with it.

May 14, 2018 Mad Morderan 135

I agree however Out of the Wild has the advantage of buffing Rossiel right away without having to wait until you kill an enemy. So it's a tradeoff. Same for Leave No Trace.