Noldor at its Best, Elrond style

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Noldor Draw 0 0 0 1.0
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Flrbb 170

Modified version from my Noldor deck, because Cirdan is used in another deck. Turned out to be a very good deck. Thought it is not that fast, but elven-lights with To The See are two resouces for one... :) But you have to play this discard deck very agressive.

Starting Hand

Look out for To the Sea, Light of Valinor, A Burning Brand and Cloak of Lórien. You cannot play 4 of them, only three. If you have all 4 in hand it depends on mission and your other cards what to play first. I do play To the Sea with priority number one, because that way (and some luck with drawing) you can manage to put one of the big 3 allies (Glorfindel, Galdor and Gildor) into play each round.

Other cards which are good for a starting hand are Eleven Jeweler, Daerons' Runes, Elronds Councsel, Double Back and Eleven-Light and maybe Magic Ring. What you do not want is Will of the West.


I usually put Magic Ring onto Arwen. That way round, she can get 3 resources each round and trigger Lords of the Eldar each round. When the deck is empty, of course. Only when in need of a solid defender (and no Unexpected Courage is near, I put Magic Ring onto Elrond.

The alternative for end game would be using the spirit resource to get an Elven-light to heal up to 2 damage (plus Ioreth). In that case you have to wait 2 round to use Lords of the Eldar again.

Basically everything else goes onto Elrond.


Elrond could pay for the tactics allies. Both do have ranged, but are a but tricky to play. That is why I would use them only in a multiplayer deck.

Backtrack is in the deck because I wanted to try that card. (Even with 3 Explorer's Almanac and massive draw, locations tend to stack in the staging area, when playing with 3 or 4 players). Substitues can be a 3rd Will of the West (for cautious players only) and Explore Secret Ways, probably Windfola....