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eldub 693

I've always wanted to build a pure Gondor deck, but I didn't have the card pool to really make one effective. So, now that I have everything to-date, this version is what I've determined to be my most consistent version. Nothing new, really, but I wanted to post it for folks who haven't yet found a version of the deck type they like.


Heroes: I've seen other versions with Faramir, but I've found that Aragorn offers the early game flexibility this archetype needs to get I can still get the younger son into the deck by playing the ally Faramir, anyway. Gandalf is just never bad, ever, and he's the only method of management.

Allies: Pretty standard array, here. Swarmy stuff, resource management, and the beatstick that is the Knight of the White Tower.

Attachments: Kinda make the dream work, here. Steward of Gondor not only gives Coragorn some insurance for his built-in readying but also gives him the Gondor trait. Rod of the Steward is the principal draw engine, and Sword that was Broken + Visionary Leadership really start to make the raw of the deck pretty bonkers with Aragorn and Faramir. Magic Ring and Armored Destrier are great one-ofs that provide some flexibility whenever you see them, though they're not integral to the success / failure of the deck. DĂșnedain Remedy is a life-saver in mono- decks. I seriously don't know why the Record cards got printed...Tome of Atanatar provides such a safety net for an event-lite deck.

Events: Also pretty whatever. They do useful things.


So, it's a pretty simple deck to play, all things considered. Mulligan aggressively for Steward, and throw it on Coragorn. After that, the priority is to dig for the Rod and/or a Sneak+Gandalf.

Denethor should always pass his resource to one of the other two heroes: Boromir if you need his buff on a combat-heavy turn...otherwise always to Aragorn to provide some insurance for his ability as well as Rod. He's also your primary defender, but don't be afraid to stack up a bit of damage on Aragorn, as his 5 is pretty beefy.

Gandalf is there almost exclusively for the reduction, but in the early turns a bit of burst draw can really jumpstart the deck. Squire of the Citadel is kinda the second-most important cog to see early as a chump. The rest of the allies are there solely to be slammed on the table and turned sideways...swarm, rinse, repeat.

It's pretty viable solo and multiplayer, but you obviously gotta plan around popular uniques: Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf, Steward.

A note on the sideboard

I've had all of these cards in previous versions of the deck. They're all viable, but I've just found this current iteration to be my favorite one.

Thanks for reading!