5 wins vs attempts - Progressive Play #12

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Card draw simulator
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matrosh 542

I decided to do little experiment and try how many attempts I will need to win 5 times with deck, also using progressive play, so only the cards, which were available at that time, when scenario was out. This is #12: The Seventh Level.

Since this was marked as an easy scenario of level 3 with heavy enemy presence, I decided to make it for myself harder and play mono tactics deck with very small just to make it more fun and challenging without all those fancy stewards and tests of will and so on. And also it gave me an opportunity to create eagle deck (not very thematic, since we are in caves, I know, but I wanted to try the heavy fighting). And also test some cards which I didn't have used yet.

I won 5 games in 8 attempts, which is still good considering the fact, that I met cave troll several times in entrance and most of my progress tokens were generated by Legolas killing skills. There is no doubt, that this scenario can run easier way, if you use different sphere, however it was really fun to basically beat every single orc in this quest.

I have to mention several cards which kind of poped up: Support of the Eagles is great card, which will basically allow you to use or of one card twice in the same round, since you can add it to hero's stats even from already exhausted eagle ( I think I'm correct here, but not sure). Stand Together is actually a great card, which you can play for free and works great in combo with multiple Gondorian Spearmans but even without it. Thicket of Spears is also great card with epic effect and for 3 resources it will stop any attacking enemies (in my case once even 5 goblins and one cave troll).....and Rain of Arrows is not good at all, or at least in solo looks still useless.

I think this deck is quite playable in fellowship with other spheres, but in solo it was just a fun for this specific scenario. :)