Beginner Fellowship
Roka 1695
I build these 4 decks to introduce new players into the game. The decks can be played together as a 4-player fellowship, but also can work on their own or in other fellowships. I focused on the following aspects to make the decks beginner friendly:
-Easy to play (Mono sphere, not too many complicated interactions or things like side quests/doomed/valour cards), but still a bit of card synergy and combos the players can discover (like Arwen Undómiel + Elven-light, Gandalf + Sneak Attack/Reinforcements)
- Focus on whats typical for the sphere (threat reduction + cancellation for spirit, combat for tactics, ally spam + ressorce generation for leadership and healing and card draw for Lore)
- Using popular heroes from the books, I think most new players are more interested in using Aragorn, Éowyn or Elrond than Beravor or Thalin.
- Having big power spike events that are "cool" to play. Cards like Tale of Tinúviel, Charge into Battle or The Dam Bursts might not be the most powerful, but create thematic and memorable moments.
Check out the single decks for more detailed descriptions.
If you have any thoughts, like cards that you think might be too complicated or suggestions for other cards that might be fun for new players to use, let me now in the comments.