Lore and Larceny

AutumnRose 1250


This has been my favorite two-handed fellowship to play with since The Shire's Reckoning came out in February. The core idea of this fellowship is to defeat every single enemy with direct damage, and do a fair bit of direct location progress while you're at it. The relatively easy time you'll have dealing with enemies and locations opens up the ability to really easily play a suite of guarded attachments.

Direct Damage

Here are all the ways we can do direct damage: Thalin, Bilbo Baggins, Argalad, A Burglar Indeed!, Tom Bombadil, Reckless Attack, Goblin-cleaver, Gondorian Spearman, Spear of the Citadel, Golden Horn, and Sting.

With all that direct damage power, you will get through entire games without ever seeing a shadow card resolve! Keep in mind that if you defeat an enemy using Argalad's ability, you can trigger Glamdring and Orcrist.

Direct Progress

Here's what we can do to put direct progress on locations: A Burglar Indeed!, Box of Earth, and Bilbo's Walking Song.

A Mountain of Loot

Here is where the attachments usually end up at the end of each game:

Enemies that are Immune to Player Card Effects

The greatest challenge that this fellowship can face is enemies that are immune to player card effects. Most of our normal tricks won't work. Instead, we can defend with Lobelia (who can reliably get up to 5 defense), use 10HP Tom Bombadil with Song of Mocking and Well Preserved to tank attacks across the table and then fully heal, and then we can attack with an 8 attack Argalad, along with an army of dogs and an ent. That should get us through any sticky situations.