Quickbeam hero

Kaspatou 683


I wanted to build my first deck with Quickbeam hero. He is very bad comparatively to the ally version but i wanted to do something with him.

His advantage is his statistics so i wanted to boost them. He can't have restricted attacments so i thought about At the End of All Things. So he is now a 3 / 5 / 2 / 6 . To have a good use oh these stats, i thought about Let Us Sing Together, 4 without exhausting is pretty good.

The other advantage to have an ent as hero is you can play Ent Draught for sure T1. So i though of Glóin.

Glóin needs some songs to be effective like Song of Travel, Song of Healing, so he combines well with Tom Bombadil. It's a good news for us since we wanted to play Let Us Sing Together.

The last hero became obvious : Elrond. He boost Glóin with the heal's boost and with the huge restriction of resources with At the End of All Things, play Vilya is pretty nice. Moreover, Elrond has huge stats to, which can be boosted thanks to contract's readying or again Let Us Sing Together.

So we have a fellowship with the well known combo on Glóin : take damage, heal with Song of Mocking, discard Elven-light, draw our deck and still have 1 resource/damage taken thanks to Elrond.

Tom Bombadil can kill some ennemis with songs or heal Quickbeam after he readies.

Rest is classical stuff : best allies of the game for Vilya, lot of threat reductions, Seasoned Forager for At the End of All Things deck, lot of shadow cancellation with A Stout Heart, A Burning Brand and Bree-land Protector, Imladris Stargazer to have a good use of Vilya, Scheming Staddler to kill some ennemies without attacking them and a loooot of heals.

Note : i really enjoyed to build this fellowship but i have not tested yet, so if you have any suggestions, they are welcome !