The Watch of Wilderland
WingfootRanger 2729
"There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are over the Edge of the Wild now, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go." -Beorn, The Hobbit
Rhovanion, also known as Wilderland, was a diverse and perious place full of elves, dwarves, men, goblins, spiders, wargs, and the offspring of dragons. For this fellowship, I imagine the elves of Mirkwwood and the men of Dale assisting one another in facing the dangers of this wild land. The fellowship is more Silvan than any other trait though, which provides good synergy between the two decks. You are in for a load of adventure as you patrol the wilds and slay the enemies that threaten the halls of elves and men.
Scout Corps of Rhovanion
Celeborn, Galadriel, and Lanwyn lead the party of scouts that makes up the questing deck of the fellowship. Although close to well known Silvan builds, the Scout trait is woven into the deck as well, giving it's distinctiveness. This deck quests with Silvans mainly, with Celeborn's boost and has some progress placement tools for dealing with locations using cards like Warden of Arnor and Hithlain. Scouting Party can realize it's full potential here with so many of the allies bearing the Scout trait, allowing one to quest past high-threat staging areas or take out quest stages in one go with willpower of say 16-30 depending on how many Scout allies have been played. This deck can also handle a bit of combat too, when Celeborn buffs allies that enter play and Galadriel lets them quest without exhausting they have action free for an attack, and the Lady's ability and Mirror help with accessing the necessary cards at the time. So, gather the scouts and follow the tracks, we are hot on the enemy's trail and we must find their hideout.
Guarding Elven Lands
This combat deck has a fun mix of capabilities. Between killing foes, healing wounded companions, and controlling elements of the encounter deck, there are plenty of things to occupy you while traversing the unforgiving wilds. There are enough ranged elven archers to send plenty of damage anywhere on the table, with allies like Marksman of Lórien being especially potent. Elrond boosts the healing of The Long Defeat and Silvan Tracker so that characters can soak up and heal onslaughts of damage. With Lembas, A Burning Brand, and Elven Mail Elrond becomes a reliable sentinel defender to stop enemies in their tracks. Finally, the mysterious magic of Rossiel's victory display events enable us to eventually soften the impact of the encounter deck. Canceling a rough card at the right time can save the game, or simply make an ideal board state easier to maintain. Cheapening Keen as Lances is also excellent for this deck or the other deck, the card draw and resources are very much welcome. All this is for the defense of the ancient borders of the elves, bastions of security amidst untamed, darkened land.
Concluding Thoughts
This fellowship has been an interesting pair for me. I like Silvans and the strong synergy they possess, so after making a Silvan Scout deck it only made sense to create a Silvan combat partner too and set the stage in Rhovanion. In practice, they have worked well to defeat many of the more recent scenarios. Perhaps such teamwork between men and elves did help keep their territories in Rhovanion. In any case, you can experience such with these decks, roving the land to fight back the shadow.