The Eagles of Noldor


My Elrond deck was made as a solo deck but sometimes you want to play with 2 people or play 2-handed.

While not super synergistic in terms of card effects, these decks still go together relatively well.

When playing together the Elrond deck focusses on Support. The eagles deck focusses on combat. Both decks can contribute to questing meaningfully.

Landroval sticks out a little when these decks play together. Still need to find a solution for that. Was probably going to cut him from the eagle deck anyway.

Full write up on the individual decks available in the note section of the decks.


Mar 17, 2017 The White Wizard 550

Very interesting pair of decks. Why no Elrond's Counsel in either one? Possibly Sideboard? Your decks always look fun to play, and the Boromir deck especially. I could also see another Gondorian Shield.

Mar 17, 2017 goram.browncoat 4

The lack of Elrond's Counsel is purely a matter of Watcher in the water being out of print everywhere I look, sadly :(

Mar 17, 2017 goram.browncoat 4

@The White Wizardgetting rid of #landroval for an extra Gondorian Shield might be a good call. It's not flashy but it would make for more consistent early turns which really helps the setup part of the eagle deck go smoother. I'll surely try it.