The Alliance of Elves and Men
Warden of Arnor 6023
When I started testing The Valour of Numenor I picked my Noldor deck to serve as the questing deck for it and I found the pairing functioned very well. Having the Valour deck around means the Noldor can focus almost exclusively on questing which they can do very well (though Elrond with A Burning Brand can still come in handy while the Valour deck obviously benefits from the Noldor deck providing healing with the boost from Elrond. In this pairing you definitely want the Valour deck to include the Dúnedain Signals from its sideboard, put them on Boromir obviously and then probably Elrond with a Brand as mentioned above. Access to Unexpected Courage for Aragorn or Amarthiúl can be handy as well. And if the Valour deck needs more resources for some reason, Arwen Undómiel can target Aragorn with her ability. All in all, it's just a very good pairing.
If one wished to focus specificaly on this fellowship rather than them being two separate decks which happen to work well together, Tale of Tinúviel could be a decent idea, maybe Song of Wisdom to put A Burning Brand onto Boromir. The Galadhrim's Greeting for more threat control could be an option though the Valour deck usually manages OK - however including threat reduction in the other deck would then possibly free up deck slots in the Valour deck which could be used for other things instead.