Dwarves go on an Adventure (4x Monosphere Dwarves)
Durins_Father 3268
This Fellowship is a combination of all Dwarven cards (Execept Narvi's Belt, Veteran of Nanduhirion and allies that have a hero card) that have come out up to May 2016. The synergy of the dwarves reigns supreme in this fellowship thanks to Dain Ironfoot or Untroubled by Darkness for example. The Decks require the 4 players to work closely together in supplying each deck with attachments, allies, resources and cards. Items like Spare Hood and Cloak, Dwarven Axe and Blue Mountain Trader will be played amoung the players to make up for any shortcommings in each deck. For example Thalin can get more thanks to a ready Dain Ironfoot and with cards played on him like Dúnedain Quest, readying effects could also help him attack after he has quested. Another example is to boost defenders like Bombur with A Burning Brand, Dúnedain Warning, Dúnedain Signal and readying effects to make him defend all attacks and discard the shadow cards on each enemy he defends. In the description of the decks the combos are listed specific for each deck. Don't underestimate the power of this fellowship as I have had many successes with it in my playgroup.
Only hiccups with it are the three unique allies Fili,Kili and Bofur/Bofur. It is up to the players who gets them down first and when. Remember with the attachments that they can sometimes be put to better use on another player. The player can even reward you for this with Renewed Friendship.
Baruk Kházad, Kházad Ái-menú!