West Road Traveller knows the Path of Need

foobar 14


"However it may prove, one must tread the path that need chooses!"

The player deck order is important. The deck running Song of Wisdom must have its planning phase on the second turn before the deck with Beregond. Best is to have the Beregond deck be first player on turn one and have the Song of Wisdom deck sit to its right.

The concept of this Fellowship is to attach Path of Need to a location, but avoid putting progress on it. Also note the gorgeous artwork on that card!

This is done by switching it with a different location by playing West Road Traveller every round. Born Aloft helps being able to replay her. Erebor Hammersmith and Second Breakfast help recurring Born Aloft (or any other attachments that might get lost due to Treacheries).

Dunedain Pathfinder helps finding locations to switch around. Which more than likely will prove unnecessary for most quests, location lock being a more common problem. But better save than sorry.

Turn 1 Thurindir should play Gather Information, hopefully with The Long Defeat attached. It is important to complete this side quest first turn, to get all the combo pieces in place. Only leave minimal defenses standing when committing to it. Killing anything turn 1 will not be important at all, just try not to die.

After successfully questing, search for Song of Wisdom, A Burning Brand and Path of Need. Attach the first two to Beregond, the latter to a location in the staging area (not the active location).

From now on, everyone but Beregond and Bard the Bowman should go questing. Then travel to the location which has Path of Need attached.

Next round, switch the active location with one in the staging area again, by playing West Road Traveller.

Legacy of Númenor and Deep Knowledge add a lot of , but Aragorn being passed around with Desperate Alliance should reset most of it. Just be careful not to engage the nasty enemies during the first round where the not dieing part is still a little bit more difficult.

Should probably fit Thrór's Key in somewhere ...


Jan 08, 2019 Schwaig 19

No comments so far? This is a crazy effective fellowship!