Forth the Six Hunters
Alonewolf87 2456
A 2 players Fellowship with only heroes.
Arwen can pass around resources where it's most needed, most attachments can be played cross table, the side quests can help based on the quest needs. Giving Elrohir sentinel is a priority.
Sep 05, 2020 doomguard 2221 |
Sep 05, 2020 Alonewolf87 2456Actually you can use both, Haldir of Lórien's ability is a Combat Action so you can use it in a lot of Action windows, like during the enemies attacks part of the Combat Phase, while Aragorn's Response can be used during the players attack part. Let's use Seastan's deck guide as a reference (, you can use Haldir in 6.2 (the main one for using Haldir of Lórien so that he can possibly snipe an enemy engaged with the other deck before it attacks), 6.4b, 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3 (these last 3 if there are engaged enemies attacking you of course), 6.8.1, 6.8.2, 6.8.3 (so before destroying an enemy and triggering Aragorn ability) |
Sep 05, 2020 Alonewolf87 2456I know of course that one of Haldir of Lórien's great strenghts is that he can also attack in the staging area with its Action, the "attacking an enemy engaged with the other deck before it attacks" was just an example of an use of its Action |
Sep 05, 2020 doomguard 2221of course, you can "theoretically" use both, but practically it is hard to realise. you have to have an engaged enemy from last round, then engage no enemy in the engage phase, then use haldir and then aragorn. that is not easy to realise. and, you loose nothing to swap those heroes then you can use both in every round without problems. |
Sep 05, 2020 Alonewolf87 2456Since the Elrohir deck is the one that will engage more often (especially until I get Sentinel on Elrohir and Ranged on Elladan) having Haldir of Lórien there might still pose difficulties in using its ability. I would also lose the possibility to play Coney in a Trap (though I can then switch the cards to the other deck) and Heirs of Earendil. I thought about switching Thurindir and Haldir of Lórien but then I could not play Well Warned. Still yours are good suggestions, it's not like I don't appreciate them (here and in another decks) |
Sep 05, 2020 Alonewolf87 2456Scratch the first paragraph, I misunderstood your post. |
Sep 05, 2020 doomguard 2221cony in the trap is an issue. but you can swap them with e.g. ranger bow. o.k. but i understand you did not have choosen haldir because of his ability. with silvan, ranger and scout he has other duties than his sniping. replace cony in an trap with feint is another option. it seems to be a waste of worthy abilities, but it seems u did not take them because their abilities in the first place. |
Sep 05, 2020 doomguard 2221what is the golden shield for? i cant see a rohirrim or i am no stranger |
Sep 05, 2020 Alonewolf87 2456It's a proxy for Shining Shield, the one from Fortress of Nurn. I thought it's mentioned in the Elrohir deck description. |
Sep 05, 2020 Alonewolf87 2456Coney in a Trap has a small advantage over Feint that it's not a combat action so it could help with some niche cases of enemies engaging and/or attacking in other phases |
Sep 05, 2020 doomguard 2221ok. thats understandable. i would change some things, but i can understand your decisions. |
would swap aragorn and elladan. aragorn and haldir in the same group is not clever ;) (only one of themcan ue his ability in the same round)