A Guide to Action Windows

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Seastan 45275

Video: https://youtu.be/kYItUwx9SmU

Action Windows

Action windows in this game can be confusing. Here's what the rules reference (pdf link here) says about them:

An action ability may only be triggered during an action window. When an action window opens, the first player has the first opportunity to initiate an action, or pass. Opportunities to initiate actions then proceed in player order until all players consecutively pass, at which point the action window closes and the game advances to the next step on the timing chart. Note that if a player passes his or her opportunity to act, but all other players do not consecutively pass in sequence, the original player may still take an action when the progression of action opportunities comes back around to that player. Resolve each action completely before the next action opportunity.

One of the biggest factors that helped me improve my play, especially when I was a new player, was understanding when I had the opportunity to perform an action and when I didn't. I decided to put together this guide so that my experience could benefit others as well.

I have included below the full round sequence chart from the Rules Reference, where each action window is in red text. Along with each window, I have included some general gameplay tips as well as some common cards that get used during that window.

If you have other gameplay tips regarding a specific action window, let me know! I might add it to the sequence chart and credit you!

0.0 Round Begins


1.1 Resource phase begins

1.2 Gain resources

1.3 Draw cards


  • This is the only window in which you can play Captain's Wisdom, since it's specifically a resource action. Therefore, you cannot perform a combo like Heir of Mardil followed immediately by Captain's Wisdom, because Heir of Mardil must be played with other attachments during the planning phase, at which point the opportunity to trigger resource actions has passed.
  • Other generic actions can be performed here. One example of an action I have done here is Heed the Dream to search my top 5 cards for Captain's Wisdom, as doing this in the resource phase means I can play it right away.
  • If I have multiple copies of Sneak Attack in hand along with Gandalf, sometimes I will use this window to play Sneak Attack+Gandalf just for the card draw. He will come back to my hand at the end of the phase, so I can do it again in the Planning Phase.

1.4 Resource phase ends


2.1 Planning phase begins

2.2 Special action window

  • This is an action window in which any player may trigger an action as usual.
  • This is also a special action window in which the active player (in addition to triggering standard action abilities) is permitted to play ally and attachment cards from his or her hand.
  • So while allies and attachment must be played in player order, actions can be performed in any order. To illustrate this, here are some examples of what is allowed and what isn't:
    1. It is player 1's turn to play allies and attachments. Player 2 plays Deep Knowledge and everyone draws 2 cards. Player 1 draws into a ally they want to play. Player 1 is allowed to play it, because it is their turn to play allies and attachments.
    2. It is player 2's turn to play allies and attachments. Player 2 plays Gléowine. Player 2 then triggers Gleowine, choosing player 1 to draw a card. Player 1 draws into a ally they want to play. Player 1 is not allowed to play it, because it is not their turn to play allies and attachments.
    3. It is player 1's turn to play allies and attachments. They have a 2-cost ally they want to play, but do not have enough resources, so they pass. It is now player 2's turn to play allies and attachments. Player 2 plays Steward of Gondor on one of player 1's heroes. Since all players can perform actions in any order, player 1 can immediately trigger Steward of Gondor to gain 2 resources, and can now afford their ally. However, player 1 has already passed the opportunity to play alles and attachments, and is therefore not allowed to play their ally this turn.

2.3 Next player (in player order) becomes active player (loop back to 2.2, or proceed to 2.4)

2.4 Planning phase ends


3.1 Quest phase begins


  • This action occurs before players commit characters to the quest. For that reason, one of the most common actions performed during this window is Sneak Attack to bring Gandalf into play so that he can commit to the quest.
  • This is also the only time at which Gildor's Counsel can be played.

3.2 Commit characters


  • The action window after committing characters to the quest and before staging does not get used too often, but there are some cases where it might matter. For example, if you are 1 resource short of playing Risk Some Light, you could commit Théodred and a lore hero to the quest, give the resource too the lore hero, and then play Risk Some Light before revealing any cards.
  • Another example could be that you just saw the top card of the encounter deck with Firyal and it's a nasty treachery. Instead of discarding it, you could use this action window to send a resource to a spirit hero so that you will be ready to play A Test of Will and cancel it instead.
  • A third example is if you have Elrond with Light of Valinor and Vilya attached. You might not want to exhaust Elrond to trigger Vilya before committing characters because then Light of Valinor won't do anything -- so you can do it here instead. Of course, this means that any ally you turn up with Vilya won't be able to commit to the quest.
  • This is the only action window where Battle-fury can be played.
  • You can use this window to use readying effects like Unexpected Courage to ready a questing character to avoid effects like the Necromancer's Reach. But take care which quest you're playing against, because you might not want to use Unexpected Courage just yet if there are treacheries like Weighed Down (suggestion courtesy of @Goggen).

3.3 Staging


  • This is one of the most important action windows for new players to learn. it allows you to adjust your total willpower after revealing all the cards in the staging step but before determining how much progress you will make. Some examples of cards that can make good use of this action window are Éowyn, Protector of Lórien, Nenya, Bofur, Hobbit Pony, Grappling Hook, Elrond's Counsel, and many others.
  • In addition to actions that increase your willpower, you can perform actions to decrease the staging area threat. Cards like Secret Paths are an obvious way, but you can also use a card like Hands Upon the Bow to remove an enemy from the staging area (suggestion courtesy of @Goggen).

3.4 Quest resolution


  • There aren't many times where doing an action here makes more sense than in the action window immediately before this one. It's too late to affect the outcome of the quest. However, if you have just advanced the quest stage during 3.4, there may now be an action that you want to perform before the Travel Phase begins. This could come up in the quest Flight of the Stormcaller, where you advance to stage 2A and add http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR/Details/Waterspout-TGH to the staging area. This action window allows you to play a card like The Evening Star or Heirs of Earendil to get rid of the location before you are forced to travel to it.
  • Personally, my main use for this action window is with Bofur. Sometimes, you will tie the in the staging area or be short by 1 when resolving the quest. In these cases, using Bofur's action before 3.4 means you will succeed at the quest, forcing him back to your hand at the end of the phase. Instead, you can play him during this window, since the quest is already resolved and your total no longer matters. You will have still tied or failed the quest, allowing Bofur to stay in play permanently and aid in all your future rounds of questing.

3.5 Quest phase ends


4.1 Travel phase begins

4.2 Travel opportunity


  • Note that the action window in the Travel phase is after travelling. This is why a card like Mariner's Compass, which is meant to be used before travelling, needed to be a Response rather than an Action.
  • One of the most common actions to perform in the travel phase you be one that helps you avoid travel costs, like Thror's Map or Ghân-buri-Ghân. Note that you could travel to a location with a positive effect during 4.2, like Old Forest Road, then in this action window, switch it out using Thror's Map for something with a negative travel cost. This would then let you travel to the positive location again in the future (suggestion courtesy of @sappidus).

4.3 Travel phase ends


5.1 Encounter phase begins

5.2 Optional engagement


5.3 Engagement checks


  • This is the last action window before the combat phase, and is therefore your last chance to perform healing actions before archery damage is applied.
  • This is the only window where Arrows from the Trees can be played.

5.4 Encounter phase ends


6.1 Combat phase begins

6.2 Deal shadow cards


  • Archery damage is applied in 6.1, before any action windows in the combat phase. This unfortunately means that it is not possible to use Sneak Attack or Prince Imrahil as a way to put archery damage on a temporary ally.
  • This action window occurs even if no enemies make attacks during the combat phase.
  • Some of the most common actions performed here are Feint, Thicket of Spears, and Haldir of Lórien. It's also the only window in which you can play Tireless Hunters.

6.3 “Resolve enemy attacks” process begins

6.4a Active player resolves next enemy attack.

6.4b Enemy attack initiates (active player chooses enemy)


  • This window occurs even when an enemy makes an immediate attack against you, for example the Haradrim Elite. In this case, it's obvious which enemy you "choose", but regardless you can still perform an action after doing so. This means that if you have an exhausted defender, you have a chance here to ready them before the next step. So it's a great window to use cards like Boromir, Unexpected Courage, Narya, etc.
  • This action window is too late to play a card like Feint on the attacking enemy, because the attack has already initiated, and Feint will not stop an enemy in mid-attack. This is why you want to play Feint in the previous action window. You could still play Feint on enemies that haven't attacked yet though.

6.4.1 Declare defender


  • After exhausting your defender you have a chance to perform an action before revealing the shadow card. This is your last chance to get a useful effect out of shadow-card discarding actions like Gandalf's Staff or Rider of the Mark, because these is no action window between revealing and resolving the shadow card.
  • If you have the ability to ready your defender (Unexpected Courage, Boromir, Narya, etc., it's often (but not always) wise to do so now, before revealing the shadow card. This is because the shadow card might discard your Unexpected Courage, or simply have an effect that prevents the defender from readying for the rest of the round.

6.4.2 Reveal and resolve shadow effect


  • This is another really important action window for new players to learn. Similar to the window that allows you to adjust your before the determining quest progress, this window allows you to adjust your defense value before determining the combat damage. So if you turn up a shadow card that gives +1 , you can counter by triggering an action like Protector of Lórien or Blade Mastery in this window.
  • If your defender is damaged, you still have an opportunity here to perform an action to heal them before applying the damage from combat. But be careful -- there are shadow effects can deal direct damage, so waiting to heal after resolving the shadow effect is not always the best idea.
  • If you've revealed a nasty shadow effect that is going to wind up killing a hero, remember that it's not too late to kill the enemy with Quick Strike or Skyward Volley, preventing its attack from resolving. Other tricky actions are possible too -- I remember playing a game with someone who, upon revealing a shadow effect that made the attack undefended, played Sneak Attack+White Tower Watchman in this window to avoid losing a hero.

6.4.3 Determine combat damage


  • Similar to the post-quest resolution action window, there aren't a whole lot of reasons you'd do an action here, where it no longer affects the combat, than in the one immediately before.
  • One marginal case I can think of:
    1. If your defender received damage from combat,
    2. and is 1 away from dying,
    3. and has The Spider's Web attached, so they take 1 damage when they ready,
    4. and you aren't able to declare any attacks this round, meaning there are no more action windows until the refresh phase.
    5. Then, you can use this window to heal your character before they take damage and die at the start of the refresh phase.

6.4.4 Enemy attack ends. If active player has more enemy attacks to resolve, return to 6.4a. Otherwise, proceed to 6.5.

6.5 Next player becomes active player (return to 6.4a). If all players have resolved enemy attacks, proceed to 6.6.

6.6 “Resolve Enemy Attacks” ends

6.7 “Player Attacks” begin

6.8a Active player declares next attack.

6.8b Player attack initiates (active player declares target of attack and attacker(s))

6.8.1 Ranged option


  • This is your opportunity to perform -boosting actions.

6.8.2 Determine attack STR


  • Have I ever used this action window? Nope. I can't think of anything that would benefit from being played after adding together your strength but before dealing the damage. It's too late to boost your by any more at this point. I have some use cases in mind where you might actually want to use this window, but they are really far out there and unlikely to come up in a real game.

6.8.3 Determine combat damage


  • This is the last action window before the refresh phase, so it's often the window where I trigger cards like Henamarth Riversong or Gléowine that haven't been exhausted yet.

6.8.4 Player attack ends. If active player has more player attacks to resolve, return to 6.8a. Otherwise, proceed to 6.9.

6.9 Next player becomes active player (return to 6.8). If all players have resolved player attacks, proceed to 6.10.

6.10 “Player Attacks” end.

6.11 Combat phase ends. Discard all shadow cards.


7.1 Refresh phase begins

7.2 Ready all cards

7.3 Raise threat

7.4 Pass first player token


  • The action window in the refresh phase comes after the threat raise. This is important to keep in mind for treat reduction effects. If you are at 49 at the end of the combat phase, you will hit 50 and lose before you get a chance to use Aragorn's once-per-game ability.
  • Allies that go away at the end of the round (Gandalf, Ranger of Cardolan, etc.) can get one last use here before they leave with cards like A Very Good Tale or Word of Command.
  • While it's common to use the action on Steward of Gondor in the resource phase, keep in mind that it can also be triggered here. For example, you may have a card you want to play in the refresh phase, like Peace, and Thought, but not enough resources to pay for it. But keep in mind that it will remain exhausted through the beginning of the next round.
  • Note that the next action window is in the next round, after gaining resources and drawing cards in the resource phase. So let's say you are playing with Erestor, and discard your hand at the end of the round. There is no action window to trigger the effect on Galdor of the Havens before drawing cards in the next round.

7.5 Refresh phase ends

0.1 Round ends

Out-of-sequence Windows

When an enemy makes an attack against you outside the standard gameplay framework, like the Haradrim Elite, you follow through all the substeps of step of 6.4. This would open up some action windows during staging when there normally aren't any, and any player could take advantage of these windows to heal, draw cards, or any other action. But note that if an attack occurs outside of the combat phase, some actions you might be used to playing during combat are not allowed, like Goblin-cleaver, since it's specifically a combat action.


Nov 25, 2018 Tkohl 49

Can you comment on how Grimbeorn the Old's ability works in cases like Haradhrim Elite's attack from the staging area, or the wargs that pop back into the staging area after they attack? Are they valid targets for Grimbeorn the Old?

Also, to clarify, is a card stating "after an enemy attacks" is always referring to 6.4b, as compared to "after an enemy attack resolves" which refers to 6.4.4? Do I have those correct?

Nov 25, 2018 Tkohl 49

I'm thinking of cards like Chieftain Ufthak and when to add the resource to him.

Nov 25, 2018 Alonewolf87 2427

About the Action Window between step 3.4 and 3.5 and the playing of Bofur is quite the nice catch, I thought that since the quest was already resolved you couldn't play it cause it needed to enter commited to the quest and the timing was already passed up after quest resolution (even though I know that characters stay commited to the quest up to the very end of the Quest Phase).

Nov 25, 2018 Levache 113

Thanks @Seastanfor this really thorough guide! Action windows have always tripped me up, but I look forward to referencing this in the future to help clarify tricky situations. I really appreciate all the time you invested in putting this together. Thanks again!

Nov 25, 2018 Goggen 119

@Seastan About the action window in 3.2 - I actually use that quite often:

A gameplay tip for the new guys here is to use it to trigger readying effects (like Unexpected Courage) on characters commited to the quest. There are quite a few when-revealed effects that target exausted characters.

-There are off course also some who cause characters to exaust, so be vary of what you play against.

About the one in 3.3:

It goes to the same point you made, but I'd put in a mention about cards that target enemies in the staging area (like Hail of Stones, triggering Born Aloft on Descendant of Thorondor or Quick Strike with Dúnhere). If they're used in that window to kill an enemy completly it helps your to ratio, even if they're not buffs.

PS: You linked the wrong Erestor in 7.4.

PPS: Great guide! :-)

Nov 25, 2018 Seastan 45275

@TkohlGrmbeorn works in both those cases. For your other question: "after an enemy attacks / after an enemy attack resolves" is the same thing, and triggers at 6.4.4. If the text is "when this enemy attacks" (Dol Guldur Beastmaster), then it triggers at 6.4b.

@GoggenYes, I blanked on that use case for the 3.2 action window, nice catch. I'll add your suggestions for 3.2 and 3.3!

Nov 26, 2018 死锁 289

“ Therefore, you cannot perform a combo like Heir of Mardil followed immediately by Captain's Wisdom, because Heir of Mardil must be played with other attachments during the planning phase, at which point the opportunity to trigger resource actions has passed.”

I don't understand your point. Why it doesn‘t works if I already attach a Heir of Mardil on my hero and I exhuast that hero to play Captain's Wisdom and then ready it.

Nov 26, 2018 Alonewolf87 2427

I think what Seastan meant is that you cannot do it in the same turn you would want to play Heir of Mardil in the planning phase (like let's say in the very first turn of a game)

Nov 26, 2018 DarkPaladin13 2

I've been playing this game of and on since release, and have never seen this specific rules reference sheet that you linked in the description! It is so helpful. Thanks for making this, for linking that pdf, and for all the explanations and examples.

A few months back I was watching a Cardboard of the Rings playthrough and Mitch used the action window in the Refresh phase to get a second use out of a one round ally, or something like that, I can't remember specifics, but it blew my mind. I looked back at my basic rule book to reteach myself the action windows, and while it was a good refresher, this is so much more comprehensive. Seriously, thanks :D

Nov 26, 2018 Axias 1

Just as a confirmation on feint:

Lets say you are engagwd with 3 enemies.

Feint can be played on the second or third enemy after shadow card are dealt BUT before you resolve the first attack you choose to resolve correct? You have to decide at the beginning of the combat who you will feint -no possibility to use it but in case of second attack from the same enemy (via shadow card). Correct?

GOBLIN CLEAVER instead can be played later on.

Nov 26, 2018 Seastan 45275

@AxiasFeint works as long as it's played before 6.4b for that enemy. So if you want to stop enemy #1's attack, it would need to be done in the action window following 6.2. But if you want to top enemy #2's attack, you wouldn't need to play Feint until the last action window of enemy #1's attack.

A similar situation where this might come up is if you turn up a shadow effect that says "attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one". If you aren't prepared to take an additional attack, you could play Feint on the enemy that is currently attacking you. It wouldn't stop the current attack, but it would prevent the additional attack from going off.

Nov 26, 2018 Axias 1

Thanks. That is how I played so far but i thought to be have done all wrong...

Nov 28, 2018 sappidus 752

Phenomenal work as ever.

A minor emendation I'd make would just be to point out commonly used cards in the Travel phase action window; you have examples for (almost) every other action window. Probably most common would be Thror's Map—besides its standard use, there are sporadic occasions you might want to first travel to a location with an immediate beneficial effect, then trigger Thror's Map to switch in something to get around a bad travel cost—and Ghân-buri-Ghân.

Nov 29, 2018 knochentrocken 10

Thanks for the sum up... Always helpful to read another line out. Regarding imidiate enemy attacks like Haradrim Elite's: When du they get dealt their shadow card? I always played them stating at 6.2, thus having another action window... I might be wrong. I recall there were contradicting faqs regarding this?... Thank you again.

Nov 30, 2018 Thanee 150

Very nice writeup! :-)

One thing, I often do and which might be useful is in the action window between Staging and Quest Resolution.

3.3 Staging ACTION WINDOW 3.4 Quest resolution

This is right before you determine, whether or not you were successful (in most cases, you hopefully are), and therefore the last chance to affect anything that triggers off questing successfully (or unsuccessfully).

A good example is, if you have Imladris Stargazer and Expert Treasure-hunter. You can exhaust the Stargazer here to figure out what card to add to your hand.

Why do it there?

Because the encounter deck might change your own deck, making you shuffle it even, during the staging. Also, some encounter sets have cards that damage exhausted characters. Peeking into the top five cards is safe at this point. Also, you will have more knowledge about what you might need during the round (combat phase is coming up and enemies are on the table, so you should know what you are getting into now). Maybe there is a card you can get now, which will help you out.

Also a good time to use Elrond with Vilya, because you can now decide, whether you will need him for defense or can afford to use him to bring in that extra card.

Nov 30, 2018 Seastan 45275

@knochentrockenFor enemy attacks outside the combat phase, shadow cards are dealt at the beginning of the attack. This would be 6.4a, where there is no action window. However you would still get an action right after 6.4b so the point is moot I'd say. See FAQ 1.28 for more details.

May 10, 2019 dukepuccini 23

for the staging action window, Grappling Hook with a buffed Eomer can kill an enemy in the staging area in addition to questing for a lot. quite a powerful combo

May 10, 2019 sappidus 752

Inspired by @Seastan, a little supplement for anyone who wants a 1-page, at-a-glance image depicting the framework of a round, particularly the placement of the action windows:

www.soritical.com www.soritical.com

(Similar to the main section of the old kaybee.org quick reference sheet, but updated for the post-Rules Reference world.

Jun 29, 2019 Alonewolf87 2427

Right now we could add The King's Return as an example of a possibly good card to play in the Action Window after 3.4, I guess.

Jan 22, 2020 Jtothemac 477

Lothíriel now will open up the use of the action window between 3.4 and 3.5. With allies coming into play (specifically Rohan allies) that will be questing can trigger their action before leaving play. Allies such as Damrod and Westfold Horse-Breaker can quest and then trigger abilities. Excellent action window.

Jan 23, 2020 banania 1948

Yes!! Amazing one must keep that in mind

Feb 21, 2020 sappidus 752

An at least somewhat plausible use for the action window immediately after 6.8.2:

You want to kill an enemy with 2 and 4 this round. At the time you initiate the attack, Elvenking Thranduil is ready, as is a Marksman of Lórien on the table.

Declare Thranduil and the Marksman as attackers, then after 6.8.2—note that attack strength is already fixed at this point—trigger Elvenking to return the Marksman and use Thranduil's Action to put the Marksman back in, targeting the enemy to drop its .

(You cannot use any window before 6.8.2 because either Thranduil isn't exhausted—if Thranduil is ready, Elvenking isn’t triggerable—or you wouldn't get the Marksman's 3. And the action window after 6.8.3 is already after damage is dealt.)

Feb 22, 2020 Seastan 45275

@sappidus I'm tempted to say this still falls under "really far out there and unlikely to come up in a real game" but kudos for finding what is likely the most plausible use case yet.

Feb 23, 2020 ellipticaltable 224

@sappidus Why can't you use Elvenking if the attached hero is already ready? As I read the card, the readying is an effect, not a cost.

Feb 23, 2020 sappidus 752

@ellipticaltable The issue is that you can't trigger an ability if its effect has no "potential to change the game state", e.g., you cannot raise your threat by 1 to ready a Boromir who is already ready. See this ruling for further clarification.

Feb 28, 2020 Jtothemac 477

I have an interesting question. Based on this lay out, there doesn't seem to be an action window between the completion of player 1's defending attacks and player 2's defending attacks. It goes from 6.4.4 ->6.5 ->6.4a. That means that the 2nd player MUST play Feint and all other combat related actions that ought to take place before attacks before player 1's attacks, right?

I was also curious to see if it was possible for a player to engage an enemy from a different side or from staging area AFTER completing their side of attacks. My guess is no, it's not possible. I.e. if you want to engage an enemy (such as Son of Arnor or Mablung via Sneak Attack) in combat phase, you have to either wait for the enemy attacks portion is resolved for the whole table, or you must deal with their attack by triggering it during the 6.4.a-d action windows. Am I reading this correctly?

May 13, 2020 Jtothemac 477

We used 3.4A tonight on the road to isengard. After we evened up on questing, I triggered the ent to clear the active location, therefore clearing the location for travel but not triggering orthanc. A very subtle and niche use here but I am glad to have known about it.

We also did the same thing for 3.1A to clear the last location before moving to quest card 3A and could finish off saruman the same round that he got his staff.

May 14, 2020 rlusk 1

That Bofur tip is really cool. Nice catch. I'm sure I'll take advantage of that in the future. Thanks for the write up.

May 15, 2020 banania 1948

Technically Action window 6.8.2. can also be used to play Meneldor's Flight to save a Vassal of the Windlord right?

However, using Meneldor's Flight during the action window between 3.4 and 3.5 cannot save and Eagle Emissary (Land of Sorrow upcoming expansion).

Jun 21, 2020 Some Sort 3965

I think @banania has the best use for the 6.8.2 window yet.

I don't think you have to get quite so esoteric to find a use for the post-6.4.3 action window. Any time you have a Warden of Healing or a Self Preservation and you aren't planning on declaring attacks for the round, that action window is the only one after the last damage token has been placed but before the refresh phase. (Even if you are going to declare attacks, this is still a good time to use your Wardens because you're unlikely to wind up placing any more damage tokens before the refresh phase anyway.)

Jun 21, 2020 Jtothemac 477

I'm confused as to how @bananias effect works. I thought the attacker has to be in play through the duration of the attack? Otherwise Boromir's discard ability could finish off enemies during an attack too. Or are we assuming we are pooling vassal's attack with another character and once the attack is locked in we can return him to hand?

Nov 20, 2020 Chytrak 1

0.1 Round ends

I discard because of Lore Erestor ability. Can I draw a card if I have an unused Galdor of the Havens?

Nov 25, 2020 thereelaristotle 7

I just want to clarify one thing with attacks outside the normal framework to make sure I'm, doing it right...I really hate the way this works in the as-written rules.

Say I'm playing The Three Trials with 2 players, one player 1 has 2 guardians engaged and player 2 has 1 guardian engaged. We travel to The Hallowed Circle so all 3 guardians will make an immediate (out of framework) attack.

We opt to resolve player 2's guardian first and jump to 6.4, in the action window after 6.4b, one of the players plays Thicket of Spears, Player 1 is chosen, so neither of the guardians engaged with him can attack this phase. We resolve the one attack and now have finished resolving the guardian attacks. I believe this is 100% correct.

In essence as long as you have a "dummy" enemy to make the first attack, you open up a bunch of potential action windows to prevent the other enemies from attacking. But if there is only one enemy then nothing can be done to stop their attack. This seems completely illogical to me and extremely gamey, but is it correct and intended?

I guess this helps buff singular big bosses who attack out of sequence, whereas groups of bosses get a significant weakness?

Nov 26, 2020 Alonewolf87 2427

I think in this case you still have to resolve the attacks in player's order (but for each player you can choose the order in which to resolve the single enemies attacks). So in your case if Player 2 was the first player that round than yes, that was a legit play and a nice solution to the situation.

That's also one of the great advantages of Thicket of Spears against Feint, you can use it to block attacks outside of the Combat Phase.

May 16, 2021 GamerHudson 1

I take it you use this deck with a friend who has Hobbits in his? I was confused when I saw Hobbit pony then realized that "main deck" was probably not a solo deck Do you think this deck would work if it was tweaked for a solo game (not double handed just one hand, 3 heroes)

May 16, 2021 Seastan 45275

@GamerHudson This is not meant to be a playable deck. It's for teaching purposes only.

May 30, 2021 ira212 269

This write up is an incredible resource to all players! Thanks so much @Seastan!

I’m not sure if it matters, but it seems like player side quests are put in play during 2.2 any time, even if you’re not the active player.

Jun 07, 2021 Nystrum 42

I’ve always been curious if Miruvor can be played, its action used for a resource and that resource spent within the SAME planning action.

  1. Play Miruvor on a hero.
  2. Use Miruvor’s action to generate a resource.
  3. Spend that generated resource on whatever.

How about single player versus multiplayer? I’d guess yes versus maybe (depending on player order). But I’ve second guessed myself countless times so I avoid using Miruvor in this way just to be safe.

Jun 07, 2021 Emmental 434

@Nystrum you can :) Same for other cards generating resources like Steward of Gondor.

In multiplayer, player do not have planning action windows at the same time, but one after one, so first player could play Miruvor on a hero of player 2, and player 2 use the resource for playing an ally or an attachment, but not he other way around.

Jul 25, 2021 butsam 61

That extra combat action window could theoretically be used as follows:

Play Flight of the Eagles (recall Eagle ally to your hand) to recall Vassal of the Windlord to your hand, after adding in its +3 to your attack but before the attack resolves (to avoid discarding Vassal). As an added perk, you also get a good card into the encounter deck, and at no cost for FotE, and 2x use of the low cost Vassal card.

Have I ever seen it happen? No. But it theoretically could!

Jul 25, 2021 ellipticaltable 224

@butsam: an excellent combo in an eagles deck. I use that (and the defensive version relatively often in such decks.

Oct 06, 2021 Bernat 12

A case where the action window after determining attack-str 6.8.2 may be the correct action window.

Say you are dealing the finishing blow to the Ungoliant Spawn or whatever boss, or just the last enemy in a quest that finishes when you have killed all the enemies. You could be hitting them with Gimli, and you could need to have some damage on him for that, so, after you you determined attack strength, you could heal Gimli up at that action window (because that's actually the last action window in the game). That would not help you win the game but if you care about score it would give you a slightly better one.

Oct 06, 2021 kjeld 664

Sleazy mode pro-tip: Just pretend that there's always an action window.

Jan 09, 2025 jordico 1

Great guide @Seastan. I have a question on the Player Attack action windows. Do they occur when the active player can't declare any attackers?

I was playing the Escape from Dol Guldur and the first player was on 49 threat and would likely die during the refresh phase of that round. The only option was to find Gandalf (core set) and play sneak attack Gandalf. Legolas (core set) participated in an attack which killed an enemy and as a result, hallofbeorn.com was explored and the first player found Gandalf. The first player didn't have anymore attacks to resolve, so the second player became the active player. The second player had an enemy in the staging area, but no characters to declare as attackers. Therefore, I thought that the action windows would not occur, especially when applying the grim rule.

Jan 09, 2025 Seastan 45275

@jordico Seems pretty clear-cut to me. Legolas would trigger at 6.8.4, and if there are no more enemies, then there are no more action windows until the refresh phase. I think you played it right.