Gimli Takes The One Ring

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Grishnákh 79

Gimli Takes The One Ring

Gimli gets The One Ring, Well Preserved, 1x Citadel Plate, Golden Belt, 1xRohan Warhorse, 3x Self Preservation, Boots from Erebor, Vigilant Guard, Grappling Hook and Magic Ring.

Gimli will have 13 HP !!!

Bifur gets Boots from Erebor.

Mulligan for Citadel Plate and Self Preservation / any healer or at least Honour Guard.

Strategy Since the of the deck is low, it needs to play with a questing deck. Quest with Bifur and Mablung. Optionally engage at least 1 enemy each round to get the resource from Mablung. Take attacks undefended with Gimli and attack back with his boosted attack power. Then heal Gimli to repeat the process. Use Honour Guards to cancel damage from heavier and/or multiple attacks against Gimli. During the resource phase, always transfer 1 resource to Bifur because you need the resources to pay for healers and to ready Gimli with Erebor Record Keepers for more attacks with Gimli. Wandering Ent is only in there for some extra .

Gimli his first restricted attachment is The One Ring. His second should be Citadel Plate. After attaching Golden Belt, his thrid should be Firefoot/Rohan Warhorse, but if you have enough healing or another player with Elrond, you could go for double the fun and use 2x Citadel Plate instead of Firefoot/Rohan Warhorse granted your only readying would come from Erebor Record Keepers.

Side Board

2x Song of Mocking vs 2x Grappling Hook.

3x Rohan Warhorse vs 3x Firefoot, or any combination because Rohan Warhorse can be useful to play on partymembers in multiplayer.

Wandering Ent vs Extra healing: Leather Boots for the healers. Healing Herbs on Bifur.

Stone of Elostirion for carddraw because that's what this deck is missing the most at the moment.


Dec 10, 2020 doomguard 1976

would add at least 1 Ioreth (for the price of 1 daughter she heals 9 hp) then a few songs of wisdom could help gain resource-balance

Dec 10, 2020 Grishnákh 79

Those are great suggestions. Tyvm!