The Ghost of Framsburg Solo Progression

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Copterman 1027

DECK NAME - I Ain't Afraid

OVERVIEW - This quest can take a long time in solo. If the Loot cards are discarded as shadow cards or during staging, you can threat out pretty quickly. This deck addresses threat increase, enemy swarm (via traps), and location lock.



  • FORGOTTEN CRYPT LOCATION - This is a solo player's friend. The Forced effect on FC reads: After Forgotten Crypt becomes the active location, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an Undead enemy is discarded and add it to the staging area. Then, attach a Loot objective in the encounter discard pile to that enemy as a guarded objective. There are 2 copies of FC in the encounter deck, I recommend saving them in order to grab the 2nd and 3rd loot card. Any FCs that are added to the staging area should remain there for the duration of the game. Travel to FC only when a loot card is in in the encounter discard pile. Be careful of a low encounter deck and the possibility of having no undead enemies to attach the loot objective to. 2x Distant Stars will insure you can travel to FC when needed.
  • Dunedain Pathfinder - great for adding Forgotten Crypt to staging area and leaving it there. His 2 cancels out FC's 2
  • Elfhelm - this guy rocks in this quest; he negates quite a bit of threat with his ability
  • Emyn Arnen Ranger - best case is using a trapped Werewolf to boost to 3
  • Miner of the Iron Hills - included in case Glorfindel needs to discard an Afraid of the Dark condition
  • TRAPS - 3x Ranger Spikes and 3x Forest Snare are key to incapacitating Werewolves and Crypt Stalker
  • Distant Stars - fishes out Forgotten Crypt as previously mentioned. If FC ever enters the staging area, I recommend leaving it there until you're ready to travel there and grab a Loot objective in the discard pile. In this case, Distant Stars is good for Daeron's Runes discarding
  • Will of the West - can recycle 3x Elrond's Counsel and 3x A Test of Will in case a game goes longer and/or your threat is getting dangerously high. Won't need it most games
  • DEFEATING FRAM - it's not a bad idea to stay engaged with him from an earlier quest stage and whittle his health down to 1. When you face him in the end, he is made immune to player card effects. His combined and $ will be 12. Glorfindel, Quickbeam, Damrod, Elfhelm and 2 more from other characters can one-shot him in the end if needed

Dec 16, 2021 Flrbb 170

Thanks to this deck I could beat Ghost of Framsburg solo. Thank you. (I had 4 tries with my own deck ideas before.)