Caldara Self-Imploding

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Hey, I Got Your Back!
Derived from
The Song of Rebirth 143 108 34 1.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

xDirtyGx 183

Ever since the new Prince Imrahil ally has come out the general consensus is that Caldara decks are super powerful. Being able to consistently bring in allies from your discard pile using Caldara's ability always means you have characters to quest, chump block, and attack back.

It's not uncommon to see some pretty outstanding turn 1 plays with this deck. Ideally, I'm looking for Emery and Sword-thain in my opening hand to instantly have 4 hero's in play, using Arwen Undómiel's ability for a 4th resource. And with a bit of luck discarding some great allies from Emery entering play so you can start using Caldara to her fullest ability. Once you have Imrahil and a Sword-thain ally out you can put up to 4 allies with every Caldara discard!

With an all spirit deck, you have access to some pretty powerful cards. Things like A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke come in quite handy to dispatch some nasty when revealed effects and treacherys.

You would think in a spirit deck that you would lack some card draw, but this deck has plenty of it. Between Galadriel, Mirror of Galadriel, Ancient Mathom, and even Elven-light you can easily draw your whole deck by mid game.

After your deck is empty you can easily recur Fortune or Fate using the Map of Earnil and Dwarven Tomb combo. Or for that matter any event that you may need!

Also with this deck you should have absolutely no problem playing the game with nearly no threat! Elrond's Counsel and The Galadhrim's Greeting allow you some nice reduction. And in some cases where enemies are staying in the staging area you can even use Damrod's ability to further reduce your threat. Not to mention you can return him to play over and over because of Caldara.

Spirit decks normally lack the combat punch you need to take down enemies. But with Glorfindel and a few Warden of Annúminas you can be dispatching enemies with ease.

Lastly, you may be thinking about possibly being location flooded. But there's no need for that. Your Northern Tracker's and Rhovanion Outrider's are there to explore locations that hang around in the staging area.