Arwen's Right To Bear Arms

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In Play
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Qwaz 404

An interesting deck that plays differently in the different phases of the game. Can work true solo against many quests but works better as a early boost deck allowing time for a partner to get established.

Early game: Arwen Undómiel & Frodo are questing while Beorn takes the brunt of the combat

Mid-Late game: Arwen Undómiel & Frodo should hopefully be helping out more with the combat while the -allies handle questing.

Mulligan for Elven-light


There are an assotment of 2 cost, 2 , allies. As they come in, they shoulder more of the questing burden so Frodo can start defending. Defender of Rammas can take some of the defenses and Honour Guard helps keep Beorn alive longer.


Good Meal helps to play Fortune or Fate for Beorn. Frodo ends up with a shield and an Unexpected Courage. Arwen Undómiel gets Unexpected Courage and armed by a bear.


Cancel treacheries & shadow effects. Lower your threat to compensate for Frodo's ability. Avoid killing Beorn if possible but bring him back if you do.

Resource Acceleration

Arwen. Save Fortune or Fate, every card is 0-2 cost. Good Meal makes Fortune or Fate cheaper too. Use those apare spirit resources to play Elven-light

Card Draw

Elven-light, Ancient Mathom and Foe-hammer+Rivendell Blade. There's a level of redundency in the allies. As long as you start getting some -allies out, you should be able to get your board state under control.

Sideboard aka "Glorfindel has a right to bear arms too!"

The deck presented is a more consistent, faster deck than i originally designed. In many ways i prefer the original riskier version with the below changes though it's undeniably worse.

Add: Glorfindel, 3xLight of Valinor, 3xArwen(ally)

Lose: Arwen(hero), 3xElven-light, 3xUnexpected Courage.

The Rivendell Blades are better with Glorfindel since his is higher. Frodo will also continue from 3 to a hefty 4 + Sentinal assuming ally Arwen targets him.

Multiplayer Note

Swapping in the Rivendell Bow can let Arwen Undómiel/Glorfindel help out cross table and is an extra enabler of Foe-hammer. What you swap out really depends on what the partner deck is bringing and in the Arwen Undómiel version of this deck probably isn't worth it

Remaining Sideboard

Power of Orthanc is there for when you play a quest with horrible conditions. The Galadhrim's Greeting for quests that boost your threat a lot.