My Best Core For All Time

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

MrVash 1

Recently I've decided to go back to basics and challenge myself to make the most out of the single core set. No expansions, no multiple cores.

Basically Glóin will put troops into play. Faramir takes 1 more damage than an Longbeard Orc Slayer, so I chose to put 2 orc slayer thinking about leaving only 1 Faramir in the deck, faramir impacts the quest but Éowyn takes care of everything herself with celebrian stone. One of the key things is to play Self Preservation on Glóin as soon as you can. It basically turns him into a second Steward of Gondor.

Éowyn taking care of event cards to lessen the threat, return enemies to the organization area, cancel effects...She having Steward of Gondor can do all that and still bring back strong cards from the discard pile.

I only use 1x Miner of the Iron Hills in case I want to take the Steward of Gondor and use Erebor Hammersmith to bring my hand and to place in the Beravor depending on the situation of my hand.

I don't really like to use 3x Steward of Gondor but it makes it come to my hand faster, for me I would use 2 and put another ally as Guard of the Citadel.

I'm thinking about taking Protector of Lórien, but I have to study better, she in my hand ends up turning into a discard for Éowyn to have +1.

Don't underestimate the Son of Arnor! A lot of people think it's overpriced (at least it probably was before Dunedain decks became popular), but it can be very useful. If you bring him into play by Sneak Attack immediately after resolving an enemy attack, you can attack a powerful enemy that cannot attack you that turn, but you can attack him immediately. If you have enough resources, you can attack enemies in the planning phase and play Forest Snare right away without keeping them busy until the next planning phase. Last but not least, it allows you to attack enemies that would normally not be an option to attack.

I don't like Ever Vigilant because few times Beorn will be in your hand. 1 chance in 50. Obviously, when in your hand along it will explode 2 enemies. But rare are the cases