Ultimate Outlands

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Derived from
Ultimate Outlands 1 1 3 1.0
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WingfootRanger 2652

I'm back with the overpowered Outlands deck, only this time it is updated so that Strength of Arms is completely legal to play. This deck is still insanely strong once built up. That's the thing, it can be a bit fragile in the beginning. However, when it gets through the early game with a decent number of Outlands in play, it can crush many tough scenarios.

Although Steward of Gondor is helpful for Hirluin in the beginning, Lord of Morthond and King Under the Mountain are important for card draw throughout the game. Galadriel and Gandalf grant more chances to see those cards while also helping us to potentially gather more Outlands allies to our hand. With both King Under the Mountain and Lord of Morthond we will be drawing several cards per round. A Very Good Tale is used to toss still more Outlands into play while thinning our deck down. Tome of Atanatar can recur A Very Good Tale for more allies, or Strength of Arms so the Outlands can use their monstrous stats twice. Given that the tome places Strength of Arms on the bottom of the deck after it's used means that we can draw and discard our deck down to the bottom for another use if it comes to it. If A Very Good Tale discards more than its share of allies or tomes, Men of the West and Second Breakfast get them back for us.

The focus of this deck is simply to accumulate as many Outlands as possible as soon as possible, and use Strength of Arms to get major and major with them. Given how powerful this is, I have rarely had to do it twice in order to win a quest. This deck is prepared to recur Strength of Arms plenty more times than just once, since Second Breakfast and Tome of Atanatar comboing together can even lead to a once every round recursion of it when the deck is empty. And, a lot of quests just can't take that for long. . .


Oct 19, 2016 Qwaz 404


Lol, i'd accuse you of copying except that outlands basically builds itself :)

Oct 21, 2016 WingfootRanger 2652

I didn't copy, but I didn't assume this deck had never been done before. Actually, not every Outlands deck is always the same, but mono-leadership Outlands in particular has a narrow focus regarding how it works and what synergizes with it. Especially if you want card draw with it too.

Oct 21, 2016 Qwaz 404

Course you didn't mate. Was pulling your leg. This group of heroes suggests itself and then our decks, with minor variations got built cos that's the best way to build them :)

Oct 21, 2016 WingfootRanger 2652

Lol, yeah, something like that. I guess I'm like an elf in a few ways. I don't always get mortal humor :)