Maxine Newman's Elven Siblings

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jkl620 108

Note- This deck was originally posted with 49 cards. What would you use as the 50th?

This is a very attachment-heavy deck, but it can come together quickly and transforms Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen Undómiel into complete powerhouses. Interestingly enough, one of the deck's most important cards isn't an attachment at all; it's the event Elven-light that helps power all the deck's discard tactics. If you don't have a copy of Elven-light in your hand, be sure to mulligan for a copy.

By the time you get set up, you'll have Elladan with Rivendell Bow to gain the Ranged keyword, along with Rivendell Blade and Elven Spear to let him slay nearly any enemy in just one hit. He gets Light of Valinor so that he can quest and then attack. Elrohir gets Heir of Mardil, so he can quest and then ready with Arwen's ability if you need. He should also get Elven Mail for Sentinel and the extra hit points, along with Dúnedain Warning for extra defense. The Day's Rising also goes on Elrohir and will allow him to gain additional resources from defending.

Once you really get going, you can quest with all three siblings and still block and kill every enemy you face.

Your allies are mostly Noldor, too, which makes Lords of the Eldar an ace in the hole for the late-game. Moreover, your Trollshaw Scout and Legolas can make use of your extra Rivendell Blades and Bows.

Because it relies upon a few combinations, the deck may struggle early, but Foe-hammer, Gandalf, Legolas, and Elven-light can really speed it up. In the end, it should be easy enough to maintain a minimum hand size of four at nearly all times. Also, Galadriel is a great play early on, allowing you to quest for three Willpower, and you will nearly always find an attachment to play!

Finally, the deck can shine either in solo or multi-player games, although if you're playing in a multi-player game, you really want to aim to get Sentinel on Elrohir and Ranged on Elladan as fast as you can. Once you do, they can make a tremendous impact all across the table.

Maxine Newman, Lead Developer. Posted to the FFG Website 12/17/15


Jun 07, 2023 Marctimmins89 105

For a 50th card I'd probably be boring and take a third Dunedain Warning. If I wanted to be exciting I'd throw in a Path of Need. Gather Info is always a good 50th card.

Jun 07, 2023 frozen 172

I made a deck similar to this recently and struggled mightily. I'd love to hear from someone who played this deck successfully.

Jun 08, 2023 Alonewolf87 1922

Nowadays I will play this kind of deck as a Forth The Three Hunters one.

Jun 08, 2023 jkl620 108

I was thinking Gather Information or A Test of Will. I never seem to have one when I need it!