Aragorn's Red Reign

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Aragorn's Red Reign 2 1 2 1.0
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DazeMan 710

This is my first deck in a series of mono-sphere decks, using Aragorn in one of his many manifestations. I decided to start with the sphere, since it is my favorite sphere and posed a good challenge.

Fortunately now that Éowyn arrived this past summer, mono tactics is much more viable in solo play. This deck I have primarily played solo, but is strong in co-op as well.

How it works

Heroes' Roles:

-Éowyn quests. And at the end of the game uses her ability to help bring down any boss enemy.

-Beregond defends. With Gondorian Shield and a Citadel Plate he is a brick wall. Classic and consistent use of this Hero

-Aragorn is the attacking hero. He can quest early in the game if you need him to, but I like to use him to bring down enemies.

Play Allies Early! Ideally you would like to see Bofur or Grimbold in your opening hand. You can play them turn 1 and they give a very appreciated questing boost.

Ally Roles:

Anything with 2 or more primarily quests.

Defender of Rammas is for defending.

Legolas is a dedicated attacker.

Dúnedain Hunter, Envoy of Pelargir, or Mithlond Sea-watcher can quest, chump block or defend, it just depends on the board state. Don't be afraid to chump block though.

UPDATE: Soldier of Dol Amroth has been added to the ally list. With no resource acceleration, he pulls his weight very well in this deck.


Aragorn will have 1x Blade of Gondolin and 1x Rohan Warhorse

Beregond gets 1x Gondorian Shield and 1x Citadel Plate

Éowyn gets 1x Rohan Warhorse for a late game use of her special ability.

Secret Vigil is to be used when you want to lower your threat.

Gandalf is used in this deck to either draw cards or lower threat, it just depends on what you need. Then he is nearly always committed to the quest.

Have fun with this one! If you need more willpower add Beechbone and Treebeard. I have not found this to be a necessity, but they can be helpful.

Closing Thoughts

This deck kills enemies quickly and encourages controlling the staging area, by engaging enemies the round they pop up , defending against them and knocking them out. Location lock can be a problem, and you will have no way to cancel treacheries. It really does feel like a brawl against the encounter deck!

Deck Highlight:

Took this deck through the entire Against the Shadow Cycle (swapped Mablung for Éowyn for Siege of Cair Andros). Then after that, Escaped from Umbar, Crossed the Desert, and conquered the Long Arm of Mordor.