The Good Ol' Good Stuff v. The Aldburg Plot

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Gameplay simulator
In Play
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kjeld 643

I designed this deck to finally defeat the ALeP scenario, The Aldburg Plot.

Starting Hand: Look for Steward of Gondor (goes on Beravor) and Treebeard or Thalion. Elrond's Counsel is also good to see.

Early Game: Stall a bit while you get some allies on the table and stabilize your board state. Don't rush to get your first clue -- between your starting threat of 27, Sneak Attack/Gandalf, and Elrond's Counsel, you've got some wiggle room on threat.

Final Build:

Path of Clues:

This part is critical.

  1. Go to the Garrison Barracks first, and give the Raven Signet ring to Arwen Undómiel. She can get to 2 resources at the beginning of your turn by discarding a card as needed, otherwise she can play A Test of Will or Hasty Stroke. Eventually, Thalion can help pay for cards.
  2. Once you defeat The Spy Master, give the Prison Key to Denethor. He doesn't get any attachments, so not an issue.
  3. Take out A Fire Rises when you're ready. You can deal with the extra 1 cost events for a round or two extra if needed. Just make sure you're ready to discard a 2-cost ally (preferably not Warden of Healing) to Spreading Inferno once you clear the side quest and that you're prepared to take out the burning location ASAP. Give the Ruby Cloak Pin to Beravor -- this will deck you very quickly, so make sure you've drawn up what you need!
  4. Go after The Prisoner in White, which will add Ossian. Make sure you've got Treebeard or Gandalf to soak his attacks until you defeat him. By now you should have some Legacy Blades boosting your attack high enough to deal. Once he's dead, Traitor's Confession goes on Denethor, as he's not always needed to exhaust (unless you have to put it on Thalion).
  5. Advance to 3A. Note that this will add 3 Town Guards to staging, so make sure you can take them out. It's good to save a Gandalf for this step to deal with one of them.
  6. Quest, quest, quest to win!