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Goodmorning! | 0 | 0 | 4 | 3.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
jww 46
The Burglar's Turn for thematic reasons and fun! Thorin's Company to get 2 extra dwarves asap to trigger effects with Óin, Glóin, Ori, Bifur and Thorin Oakenshield when you spot 5 dwarves.
Helm of Secrecy to Swap Thorin Oakenshield with Dáin Ironfoot for thematical purposes and to trigger Balin.
Cycling: Lay of the Nauglamír, A Very Good Tale, Erebor Guard, Ered Ered Nimrais Prospector and Dáin Ironfoot to filter the deck and getting out dwarves fast.
Bifur, Gandalf for drawing cards. Gandalf also for lowering threat. Dwarven Tomb, Stand and Fight and Will of the West to retrieve cards (and dwarves).
Flight of the Eagles for thematic reasons as Bilbo's companions need some aid from Eagle's of the North at some point. Without My Hat to work around The Burglar's Turn downside rule of not including attachments in the deck to fetch either A Burglar Indeed! or Master Burglar.
The Lucky Number or Burglar Baggins depending on scenario.
Chosen Guarded Treasures: Chosen theones that don't conflict with the boons from The Hobbit cycle
Elrond? Why Elrond? Well someone has to translate runes for these analfabethics, doesn't he?! They hardly listen to Gandalf, who is more absent then present anyway...