Daddy and the Weird man.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Morning wood 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

dbldbl 45

"That doesn't make sense to me. But, then again, you are very small"


The Gameplan

The MVPs

  • Treebeard is always good, but in this deck he's a one tree winning machine.
  • Derndingle Warrior is a rockstar defender.
  • Wellinghall Preserver is a rockstar quester.
  • Quickbeam is just great all around, especially with all the healing this deck has.
  • Entmoot rarely misses. I drew a hand, then tested it's hit and misses 20 times. It missed 4 times (20%), and got more than 1 card 6 times (30%) and hit 1 card the other 10 times (50%). That will go down later in game once you've played 1 or 2 of them, but still a good card.


  • If you can't keep a boardstate, it can get very difficult to quest. You are relying on Heroes and at least 1 or 2 Ents later in game.
  • You won't have access to some of the really powerful attachments out there.


  • are playing really strong allies for cheap. The fact that your supporting heroes can feed Daddy Elrond, and he can play all the allies, just means you will always be ahead of the curve, even without a Steward of Gondor.
  • You have access to and , my two favourite spheres, both of whom I think are key. Yes, you lose access to cards like Quick Strike and Feint, but you honestly don't need them!

Results (As of 3/9/2019, Normal mode)

  • Passage through Mirkwood - 1 try (best score = 65)

  • Journey along the Anduin - 1 (108)

  • Into the Pit - 1 (145)

  • The 7th Level - 1 (93)

  • Flight from Moria - 1 (108)

  • A hunt for Gollum - 1 (131)

I've had decks that can with better scores, but I've never had a deck that just seems to always be in control. It feels like it's just a countdown to success. Even when I lose heroes, Treebeard fills in, and if they aren't Elrond, it just doesn't hurt that bad. I generally use Gandalf to lower threat.

The Sideboard

For multiplayer, I would consider adding in Deep Knowledge and Campfire Tales over Lórien's Wealth and Elrond's Counsel. If someone is playing Steward of Gondor, I might play some extra healing like Ioreth and Daughter of the Nimrodel. I also love Ancient Mathom in multiplayer as we tend to rip through more locations due to the extra staging cards.