Keep your Secrets!

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Roka 1596

After using Frodo Baggins in some hobbit decks, I found his ability amazing to stay in secrecy for the entire game. I thought about other traits that can benefit from this, and ended up combining him with Rossiel and the Victory display stuff. Turns out this is one of the strongest solo Rossiel decks I ever played.

There is some amazing Synergy between the herores. Frodo keeps you not only in secrecy but allows Rossiel to use both her willpower and her defense. Sméagol provides lows threat that helps you play your Encounter deck manipulation in secrecy (Out of the Wild, Risk Some Light and Timely Aid+Firyal), what prevents Smeagol from flipping.

Combat is mostly avoided in the early game, once you get an enemy in the VD you can start defending with Rossiel. There comes some attack power from the allies and Sneak Attack + Gandalf can always help in an emergency to kill an enemy.

This deck benefits from quests where most enemies and locations share a trait and there is not much early combat, but under the right circumstances it's really awesome.