Gondor over 40

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penninck 57

This is my take on the Gondor Valour type of deck. The goal is to quickly ramp up a lot of gondor allies and get your threat to 40 to trigger their buffs. In piloting it's important to aggressively search for Steward of Gondor and Visionary Leadership, use Galadriel and Mirror of Galadriel for this. Once you reach 40 threat Galadriel is used to keep it there with Pillars of the Kings as a safety brake if the threat reaches dangerous levels (>45).

Defense is handled by Denethor + Arwen Undómiel +Shining Shield + Armored Destrier as well as the occasional chump blocker (Soldier of Gondor). is great because Knight of Belfalas can then be used to bring him back for more ally fetching)

This deck quests poorly early on, until Visionary Leadership , Faramir or Nenya are played. Since you want the threat to reach 40 anmyway you can afford to fail questing once or twice. I sometimes even deliberately fail to reach 40.

Once the ally swarm and bufss are active this deck steamroll most encounter decks.


Nov 09, 2020 wkufan89 237

This is a great deck and a lot of fun to play. The only card I'm on the fence about is rod of the steward. After three plays with the deck I hardly ever used it. I would consider cutting those two copies to add another copy of Nenya and another copy of Steward of Gondor.

Nov 10, 2020 penninck 57

`@wkufan89: you are right the rod is a remnant from an earlier version that did not use Galadriel but rod + palantir for card draw. Replacing them for Steward and Nenya would be better. Occasionally I have used the rod when I have plenmty of resources from steward.

Since I only have a single core I never include a 3d steward.