For Steve - Mono Tactics

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
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ira212 263

For Steve G!

This deck will do well against many enemies, but may struggle to generate enough Willpower to quest successfully. Thus, you might not want to play this one purely solo.

Bilbo Baggins needs to quest every round, and assuming there's an enemy in the staging area (before encounter cards are revealed), he can get a nice willpower bonus. Gimli will also likely need to quest early. The only other willpower in the deck comes from 3x Beorning Skin-changer, Thalion and Beorn, plus the temporary boost from Gandalf. That's not much!

That said, there are other ways for this deck to make progress, specifically Legolas's ability to destroy enemies and make progress that way. The 3x Blade of Gondolin can help rack up progress too. Ideally, you won't spend a lot of time blocking enemies, and instead you can destroy them before they get a chance to attack. Cards like Feint and Thicket of Spears stop the attacks entirely. Cards like Quick Strike and Hands Upon the Bow allow you to resolve your attack (and hopefully destroy the enemy) before they attack. Specifically with Hands Upon the Bow, you can commit Bilbo and Gimli to the quest, wait for an enemy to be revealed from the encounter deck, then play Hands Upon the Bow to destroy it, then resolve the quest (having removed the enemy from the staging area).

Note that Citadel Plate and Boots from Erebor on Gimli can give him a large pool of HP to work with, allowing his attack to get really high (though you'll probably need him for questing, it can be useful for him to be able to take out a big enemy).

When you get into deckbuilding yourself, assuming you want to play solo one-handed, it will probably be better to try Tactics as part of a multi-sphere deck, but obviously the point is to do whatever is most fun for you!