Hobbit and Rohan and Elf. Oh My!

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TheThirdAge3018 32

I made this deck to beat The Long Dark.



Mar 09, 2021 doomguard 2101

you are obiously a noob, so basic advice is needed ;) when you start with 20 thread, would go harder on secrecy. that means:

a fundamental advice, THINK about why you want to include every card, do not put randomly together only why the picture is nice....

  • put in the blue and green secrecy-allies
  • the 3. recouceful
  • more threadreducing, 3 greetings, perhaps Elevenses
  • reduce to 50 to increase probability to get the important cards


  • discard all dwarfs except erebor guard
  • fyrial, the time you can pay him, the game is over....
  • both leaflock, is soooo bad
  • all boots (only for some allies its not worth the rare cards you draw.....)
  • good meal (think... only folko can have it, and the lore-events have cost 0)
  • dunedain pipe... think...read text, name the problem....

count your deck if you reach 50 now.

Mar 09, 2021 Samuel San 12

Well to be completely honest he does have some dunedains. Obviousely i would cut them too, aswell as all the things mentioned from doomguard. You need to go down to 50 cards. As for secrecy, i don't think it's mandatory to go for, i think he can choose wheter or not if he wants to do it.

Mar 09, 2021 GreenWizard 322

@TheThirdAge3018 if you ever want to make a deck over 50 cards, you're going to need a lot of card draw, Daeron's Runes, Peace, and Thought, Deep Knowledge, Sneak Attack Gandalf, etc. If you're planning on staying in secrecy more threat reduction is needed Elrond's Counsel, The Galadhrim's Greeting, Gandalf, etc. Then you should also consider more secrecy cards. Since you don't have a great defender, Out of Sight isn't a bad one. Would max out Resourceful, Out of the Wild is good. Would also cut down some allies, Leaflock especially, and some of the multiple copies of uniqued like Bombur, Dwalin. Would ditch all boots. And only keep Dúnedain Pipe if you think it makes a great impact.

Mar 09, 2021 TheThirdAge3018 32

@doomguard If you are going to comment on my decks, make sure they aren't negative. Otherwise don't comment on my decks.

Mar 09, 2021 TheThirdAge3018 32

@GreenWizard @Samuel San Thank you for those suggestions.

Mar 12, 2021 nelloianiro 1024

Here are my suggestions:

Cut the deck to 50 cards.

Add threat reducers like The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Maybe add Gollum instead of Folco?

Add secrecy cards.

I would like to add here that @TheThirdAge3018 never said this was a secrecy deck.

Mar 12, 2021 GreenWizard 322

A) I don't have Sméagol yet so I won't use him in a deck B) I did not make this deck specifically for secrecy, but if you want a secrecy deck I would suggest this deck, ringsdb.com by `@GreenWizard

Mar 12, 2021 TheThirdAge3018 32

A) I don't have Sméagol yet so I won't use him in a deck B) I did not make this deck specifically for secrecy, but if you want a secrecy deck I would suggest this deck, ringsdb.com by `@GreenWizard