Mono-Spirit Rohan Solo

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

satanicHamster 2

As the name implies, this is a mono-spirit Rohan deck meant to run solo and manage most quests. Currently under testing. Can handle questing, defending, threat reduction, encounter/shadow and location control well, with some decent card draw and (kind of) resource acceleration for Spirit, and some unique ways to destroy enemies.

Currently constructed with cards up to Across the Ettenmoors, because that's where my progression is at.

Since spirit does struggle with attacking, extra effort - which in many cases means duplicate unique cards - is put into the few ways to attack:

  1. Ally Háma, besides the great ability to take a surprising attack, is there because with Spirit Theoden's ability, his a 2--for-2-cost ally, which is non-existent in .

  2. Treebeard - 4 for 4 resources. Can perform 2 actions once every two rounds. A good candidate for a duplicate (though it's not so, currently).

  3. Snowmane, which allows Théoden to quest and still be ready to attack most of the time. Since he's got 3 and he's there from the start, he's the main attacker of the deck.

  4. Duplicate Herugrim is super important, since it can boost Théoden to 5, which is significant.

  5. 2x Ride Them Down can quite easily divert all that to destroy an enemy in staging area, even when it has a lower engagement cost than your threat - if used in the quest phase in which it pops up. A good candidate for 3x.

  6. Helm! Helm! - An excellent way to kill very strong non unique enemies by, for example, discarding a measly Westfold Horse-breeder or a West Road Traveller which you kept at the ready to do just that after defending. They might have even cost you only 0 or 1 resources, respectively, if they got to utilize Théoden's ability.

Other aspects: