Scouting a New Option

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Uruk-guy 535

A different take on a Scout deck than I typically got for. I made this to try and complete the daily challenge of "Play X quest using a deck that includes no non-Scout characters." Because Scouts do not offer much in terms of defending I had to deviate from the straight location control archetype they often fit in to. Another issue is combat control, especially in the early game.

Elfhelm helps solve both issues. His own stat boosting capabilities offer him a +1 when he gets an Armored Destrier. He also gets another right away from Inner Strength along with more shadow cancellation. He'll eventually find a DĂșnedain Warning giving him another . A wonderful new tool is Gift of Foresight. Elfhelm can often make use of this as he is a dedicated defender. A Stout Heart is a good early game option for threat reduction when Elfhelm isn't set up yet.

Using Elfhelm offers one more perk for combat control: Hunting Party. This can remove the threat of a turn one Hill Troll or other difficult enemies. I feel this approach is rather characteristic for the Scout Archetype. If playing multiplayer you could add another A Test of Will or Scouting Party in lieu of a Hunting Party.

Lanwyn and Widfast play off each other well. I have a Gavin included in the deck in case an early treachery destroys the collection copy. They get boosts from Elfhelm which helps immensely early on. Also, the use of Steed of Imladris grants you classic Scout location control. Extra copies of unique can be discarded with the steeds.

Lastly, one more goal I wanted to accomplish was using Mariner's Compass with Mithril Shirt and Necklace of Girion. Mithril Shirt has the bonus of being only guarded by locations. I wanted to add more compass's, but I couldn't find the room. They pair nicely with North Realm Lookout.

You end up having plenty of resources after the main pieces are in place which combos well with Ceorl and Rammas Lookout.

If you are going for the non-thematic approach you simply change the allies and include Westfold Horse-breeder!

Happy Scouting


Dec 13, 2021 Seastan 42362

Nice to see people still working on those daily challenges. Really nice deck idea!

Dec 14, 2021 doomguard 2006

elfhelm really enjoys a Hauberk of Mail

(if only there would be a card to ready a mount..... ;) )

Dec 14, 2021 Uruk-guy 535

@Seastan thanks! Once Gift of Foresight was released I knew it would be perfect for this concept. I think it's a very well balanced and thematic card for Spirit.

@doomguard very true indeed, a mount readying card would be huge for Elfhelm and Rohan! I really love Hauberk of Mail myself. I just found the Dunedain Warning was a bit more versatile since I'm not running Open the Armory and Elfhelm doesn't have sentinel to make full use of it whereas the Warning can be passed around.

Dec 14, 2021 doomguard 2006

i would take both. do you really need 2 #orphin, or 2 #windfola or 2 #mariners compass?

@mount readying, perhaps u can convince seastan, the ideas exist allready....

Dec 14, 2021 Uruk-guy 535

Correct, you could do away with an Orophin. There are two of him to he can recur a Naith Guide and increase your chances of drawing into a better ally. I like having 2 Windfola to increase the +2 . You could scrap the compass's altogether if you wanted. I just like the various combos they provide. I'd agree that you could get much more defence if you dropped them and a Necklace of Girion