These Thee Hunteres

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The Dunland Trap - 1 Player - 2021-12-21
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Flrbb 170

This is my take on a Three Hunters deck, with the actual Three Hunters.

Usually, Aragorn is not the communities first choice. I do like his ability and I wanted to build a 2 coloured deck. This lead me to this selection. Besides, the contract already includes healing, so its another point against Aragorn. Also, using Aragorn would give access to lots of restricted attachments and great cards like Golden Belt, but the abilities from Aragorn aren't that bonkers when having a high threat, high attack power and a ranged attacker anyways.

Restricted Attachments

The main source of in a Forth, The Three Hunters! deck does come from the contract. So obviously this deck needs lots of restricted attachments to flip the contract as fast as possible.

Starting Hand

Obviously any restricted attachments and especially Elven-light (to fuel Legolas' ability) are a good starting hand.

Other Notes

When playing this deck, you'll be a bit short on resources. That is why I recommend to use Unlikely Friendship for Gimli ....


Ancestral Armor is a good attachment, but even with the reduced cost from the contract and only one leadership hero it is way to expensive to be able to flip the contract early.

I do like Favor of the Valar more than The Galadhrim's Greeting, but the latter is more versatile (especially in multi player).

Roheryn would be a thematically fitting card in here, but its neither restricted, nor is Aragorns 3 very much.

Silver Harp was in a first draft. It is restricted, but with Elven-light and some other double cards in this deck there are enough cards which can be discarded to Legolas ability without any major downside. Other restricted attachments do have more worth.

Depending on the quest, Backtrack is another in-sphere way to location control.

Open the Armory was also in an early version. But the card count it can fetch is quite low, so I ruled this card out.

Last but not least, Ranger Summons. If I understand the rulings from Forth, The Three Hunters! right, these cards can be played together in one deck. So, just a fun card worth mentioning here.